“Feeling any better, Ryah?”

Smitty's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

“Yes, I talked to Rocco. You were right; it wasn’t as bad as I thought. He’s become even more possessive over me. Shoot, I better call my mom.”

I tapped our home number, then brought the phone to my ear.

She answered on the first ring. “Ryah, are you ok?”

“Yes, I’m on my way to dads.”

“How was the party?”

“It was fun. Thanks for changing your mind about my punishment and letting me go to the party with Rocco.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Kiss your dad for me.”

“I will. Goodnight, mom.”

“Goodnight.” She disconnected the call.

Smitty rolled to a stop in the six-car garage. I leaned over the seat and kissed his cheek. “See you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.”

“You, too, Ryah.”

Once through the kitchen door, I kicked off my shoes, dropped my belongings, then strolled the long hall toward dad’s office. Rosetta was probably relaxing in their bedroom. Where dad didn’t sleep. All the years I’ve visited, which was often, I’d yet to see them sleep in the same bed together.

He and mom shared a room at our house. I never once threw it in Rosetta’s face. Mainly, because I didn’t want her to go after my mother. She had every right to try and end my mother’s existence because she held her husband’s heart in the palm of her hand.

Fingers laced behind my back, I stood in the doorway of dad’s office. “Working late again?”

“Guilty.” His green eyes lit up and a huge smile stretched across his face.

“How was the party?” He leaned back in the black leather chair, rubbing the brown stubble on his jaw.

I sauntered across the soft gray carpet toward him. “Daddy, it was fun.”

“Where’s the second half of that dress?”

I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “We don’t dress like nuns. We dress like teenagers.”

He clutched my arms. “No, you wear appropriate dresses that reach your knees.”

My lips landed on his cheek. “Mom, said to give you a kiss.”

I felt his cheeks rise against my lips.

“Did you eat dinner?” I released him, stepping to his side.

His face was a bright shade of red. My mother sure had this man wrapped around her finger. He stared at her like she was the moon. Maybe one day I’d have a man who’d adore me. The jury was still out on Rocco. Remember, he hates looking at you, Ryah. What does he really want from you?

“No, I’m sure the chef left food in the warmer.”

“Come on. I’ll keep you company.”

He rose and walked around the desk, tossing an arm over my shoulder. “I love catching up with my beautiful daughter.”

I leaned into him. “Is Rosetta here?”