I peeled off my suit jacket and dropped it onto the black sofa.

“Thank you.” I walked toward her and wrapped her in my arms.

A light breeze swept through us. “Would you like to go inside?”

“Not yet.”

“Melanie, we need to talk.”

“About what?”

I led her to the charcoal gray sofa and sat beside her. Gripping her hand, I stared into her warm, dark eyes. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

She laughed. “Luciano, you didn’t. You probably like me because we spend a lot of time together talking and kissing.”

Guess she forgot she tried to fuck me with our clothes on.

I slipped my fingers through her silky mane. “Spending time with you is refreshing. Takes my mind off of my responsibilities.”

“What responsibilities?”

“To my family. I’m taking my dad’s place in a few months. He and another mutual acquaintance agreed that I’d run both family empires after...”

Her brows wrinkled. “After what?”

“After I marry Rosetta Vitale. Otello’s daughter.”

A shaky hand flew over her mouth. “You’ve known this the entire time you’ve pursued me?”

“Yes,” I stated in a whisper.

“I saw you walk across the street and it felt like time stood still. You became my mission. All I wanted was you. Melanie, I still want you. Rosetta and I are a business arrangement.”

“Oh, yeah? Does she feel the exact same way you do? Or, will she expect to have sex with you?” Her face fell in her palms.

“Melanie, I know what I’m asking of you is a selfish act. But why can’t I have love and happiness with you?”

“I don’t know. Luciano, I... No, I can’t do this.”

She attempted to stand. I caressed the nape of her neck and slammed my lips into hers.

“Luciano, we can’t go down this road anymore.”

My lips trailed along her neck, and my hand slipped under her dress, caressing her thick thighs. “I need you, Melanie.”

“I don’t need you,” she murmured, as her legs fell open for me. Sitting back briefly, I reached under her dress again and yanked her panties off. I brought her silky red panties to my nose and inhaled her scent.

“We have a big problem, Melanie.”

Her eyes hooded, and she stared at me through her long lashes. “What?”

“You want to feel my tongue deep inside of you. And I have to taste you.”

Melanie didn’t say one word. I shoved her panties into my pocket, then kneeled before her.

Her fingers glided along my arms. My heart beat in my throat. I never wanted a woman so badly. Melanie fell back against the cushions as I pulled her ass to the edge of the sofa.

She murmured, “Luciano.”