“He can sweep the house while you’re on the phone.”

“What’s up, Rocco?” I heard Ercole ask in the background.

“I’m putting the phone on speaker, Luciano so you can hear everything I say. Ercole, check the house. Your boss thinks I’ve stashed his daughter here.”

“Right away, Luciano,” Ercole stated.

“I don’t understand how no one saw her leave. Are they monitoring the property?”

“Rocco, of course they are.” I walked onto the patio.

Silence fell between us.

“Did you tell her to sneak away to meet you somewhere?”

“Me put Ryah up to anything? That’s funny. No one controls Ryah but Ryah.”

“Luciano, Ryah isn’t here.”

“Thanks, Ercole. Rocco, I’ll be in touch.”

I stalked back into Ryah’s room and sat on the bed. Her suitcase sat near the door. My eyes fell on a folded sheet of white paper sitting on the nightstand.

I was so frantic the first time I was in here I didn’t notice the note. I picked it up and my eyes widened as I read my daughter’s words.


I know you 're thinking Rocco had something to do with me leaving. He didn’t. I left on my own accord. He said we might not see each other the entire summer. I needed to see my boyfriend. Dad, once I find Rocco, I want to stay with him and fight whoever’s after us. You don’t have to worry. I have my survival kit.

My stomach twisted.

Please Dad let me do this.



My fingers traced over her words. “Fuck!” I crumpled the paper in my hand, then shoved it into my pocket.

I walked toward the kitchen. “Duran, did you find anything?”

“Yeah, I was just about to call you.” He pointed at the screen.

I watched Ryah run for the sea of trees across the property. Her rifle hung over her shoulder. My little determined warrior. She refused to stay a teenager.

“Duran, call Art. Tell him what Ryah’s wearing. If he finds her, tell him not to approach her. Just keep an eye on her.”

“Ok, Luciano.”

I remembered holding Ryah as a baby and staring into her eyes that mirrored mine. How could a baby be so beautiful? Not just any child, mine. She was my little person. The little girl I helped to create. She had no idea what it took to get my father to standdown. I was forever grateful to my uncle Sal and my cousin Sergio Magarelli. They protected Melanie and Ryah.

My father planned to murder my woman and our unborn child. I’d never be completely all right in the head after that horrific time in my life. I’d die for Ryah in an instant.

A smile crept on my face. Once Ryah learned how to walk, she waddled around the house on my heels, wearing a t-shirt and a diaper, yelling, “Da, da, da, da.” Her wild golden-brown curls flopped on her head as she ran after me.

How could a parent ever get tired of hearing that word? She loved spending time with me. I adored my little girl. It tore me apart when I had to return home to Rosetta most nights. When Ryah turned five, Melanie let her spend the night. I told Rosetta Ryah would always come first in my life.

If something happened to her, I’d go insane. A part of me warred with my decision to allow her to run this cruel underworld. Right now, I just wanted my little girl to come back to me safely. Glancing to my right, the view of the beautiful sea brought me back from my thoughts.