“Ryah, you’ll be the death of that boy.” He pointed at me with his fork.
“How so? You told him we couldn’t...”
Dad cleared his throat. “I know what I said, Ryah.”
“He followed your rules, Dad.”
If I didn't count his fingers being in my pussy most of the night. I bit back a grin that would tell dad I was full of shit.
“Dad, you didn’t answer me. Do you think Rocco loves me?”
“This morning he claimed he did.”
God, I couldn’t wait to see Rocco tonight.
“I know I questioned if Rocco really cared about me. He’s proven time and time again that he does. Even though I don’t believe in marriage. I might marry him.”
Dad’s mouth dropped open.
“Don’t ask me why I don’t believe in marriage.”
He shook his head. “I won’t. Just know if I could’ve married your mother, I would have in a heartbeat. Your marriage will be different from mine.”
“Why did mom lose her shit at dinner?”
“Hey, watch your mouth,” he growled.
“Sorry, Dad.”
“Because she hates your stepmother.”
I cringed at the word stepmother.
“She damn sure didn’t want me to go on vacation with her. Your mother’s a strong woman. There are times my arranged marriage is trying on her patience.
It’s understandable. How was the concert?” He changed the subject.
“It was fun. Pink’s performance was outstanding.” I rocked in my chair.
“Your little boyfriend did a good job, I guess you could say.”
“You still like Rocco. Stop treating him differently because we’re a couple, Dad.”
He sighed. “I’ll try.” Dad popped another sliver of the juicy steak into his mouth.”
I ran over to the other side of the table and looped my arm through his. “Daddy, thank you for trying to accept my relationship with Rocco.”
He rested his head on mine. “I love you so much, Ryah.”
“I love you, too.”