“Guess it’s just us,” Faith grinned.

She leaned over the table. “My father’s an alleged cartel boss in Mexico. Guess it just leaves us rebels.”

Genevieve and Yareli’s mouths dropped open. They didn’t say another word before they vacated the lunchroom.

“I understand how hard it can be to make friends. Lucky for me, no one knew about my dad until now.”

Rocco stood, pulling me with him. “Faith, you’re welcome to hang out with us Friday. We were invited to a killer party.”

“This is my first time hearing about it.” I walked between them after we exited the lunchroom.

“Your mom grounded you last night. I figured I’d tell her I’d drive you home after the game and we’d chill at the party for a couple of hours.”

“Always the man with a plan.”

“That’s right. See you later.” He dipped into English Lit class.

I peeked at Faith. “If we weren’t in the same boat, you’d run for the hills too.”

“Yup, probably. But I always knew who you were. Found pictures of you and your dad online.”

My brows rose. “Is that so?” I’d remember to keep an eye on her. And I planned to tell dad who her father was.

“See you at lunch, Faith.”

She nodded.


Poker face in place, I stood at my locker stuffing books into the messenger bag.

“Dude, she’s Luciano Conti’s daughter.” I heard in passing.

Genevieve and Yareli didn’t sit with me and Faith at lunch. I wasn’t surprised. All afternoon students gossiped about my real identity.

“Get your eyes off her ass, fuck face.” Rocco walked toward me, tugging at his tie, setting his neck free. The edges of his shirt hung over his navy slacks.

“You ready to go?” Rocco hovered.

“Yeah.” I shoved my arms into my pea coat.

He glanced down the hall and threw a hand in the air. I looked over my shoulder. Emily rolled her eyes, then continued in the opposite direction.

“What’s her deal?”

Rocco slammed my locker shut and threaded our fingers. The crowd of kids separated like the red sea as we sauntered toward the exit.

“We were supposed to hang out. I told her tough shit. She’s not pissed because I ditched her,” he paused.

“She’s pissed because I’m spending time with you.”

I let his words sink in.

“She said I needed to make it up to her with my cock Friday night at the party.”

I yanked my hand away on the stairs leading to the student parking lot. “Go to her. I’ll text Smitty.”

The words I didn’t mean left my mouth. The last thing I wanted was to see him with her. The popular girl. There wasn’t a blemish in sight on her porcelain skin. She had flawless black shiny, bouncy hair and big white teeth. The kind seen on those dentist commercials.