I STOOD AT THE BLACKbathroom counter staring at my reflection as I brushed my teeth. My dark curly hair was tied back in a man bun. Why did Ryah try to avoid me most of the night? I hated that she thought I didn’t want to spend time with her. She thought my goal was to schmooze with my guests. They weren’t even a factor in my mind.
Just her.
Ryah thought we’d hang with our friends separately. No, that was never the plan. We were supposed to chill with our friends together. I caught her staring a few times. Fuck, it made my cock hard just thinking about that beautiful woman checking for me. She was mine. Everyone needed to know she belonged to me, especially Bosco’s ass. I invited him and Gian to my birthday party. We had business to discuss. I also wanted to hang out with them for a while. Bosco and I were good friends outside of our love of Ryah. Gian and I stood in a corner near the pool, talking against our red solo cups. We hashed out the details of an upcoming lucrative heist. This was our first time carrying out a job this big together. But it would benefit our families. Where the fuck was Bosco during our discussion? He was dancing with my girlfriend. I didn’t find out about his slick moves until later. As Gian and I were walking back into the house, Bosco approached.
“Happy Birthday, Rocco.” He grinned.
My jaw ticked. “Thanks.”
I didn’t fall for his act. He was hiding something.
“Gian and I hashed out the details. Bosco, he’ll fill you in. You guys enjoy the party.”
I stalked off in search of my number one bodyguard, Agosto. He was good at his job for a guy who was only twenty-three years old. We viewed various work scenarios in the same manner. Agosto had only been with me for a year. Genn had been my bodyguard for five years. He didn’t talk much. Agosto and I talked all the time. Maybe that was why I gravitated to him more. Genn was thirty-one and ex-military. He was strictly about business. Genn could kill a man in a room full of people without anyone knowing. Dad felt he was a great asset to have on our team. Genn was the only bodyguard on the Andrisani payroll who had a wife. Usually, bodyguards didn’t have a spouse because they protected dangerous people. They were the first to get wounded or die in severe cases. Maybe he wasn’t worried since after all he was a total bad ass. Agosto made me aware of Bosco’s slick tactics. That asshole couldn’t leave well enough alone. In the coming weeks, we had a job to do. After we completed the task, I’d kill him.
The little beauty appeared in the doorway, bringing me back from my thoughts. She pointed her fists to the ceiling. Her tiny white tank hiked up, giving me a view of her honey brown belly. My gaze slid down to her bikini panties and those legs. Shit, last night I considered beating off in the shower, but Ryah needed me. Even though she wouldn’t admit it. Her golden-brown curls were all over her head. I spit the toothpaste into the sink then rinsed out my mouth. God, she was beautiful even with the scratches and a slightly swollen jaw.
You’re staring, Rocco.Doubt, she noticed. I’ve always stared longer than I should. She was probably used to it by now.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, Rocco.” Her eyes were fixated on my torso. The red basketball shorts hung low on my hips, giving her the perfect view of that V, she couldn’t get enough of.
I guess we both had a staring problem.
“Hey, eyes up here.”
She shook her wild hair and stepped beside me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was looking at your face,” she lied.
Ryah squeezed blue toothpaste across the toothbrush bristles.
“You need to get out. I have to pee.”
“I use the bathroom in front of you all the time.”
She shoved the toothbrush into her mouth and rolled her eyes.
“Does that bother you?”
She shook her head.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so. You like looking at my dick.”
She snickered.
“Figures. How do you feel?”
I placed my toothbrush in my travel case.
She stuck her hand out, turning it from side to side.
“It’s noon. We weren’t heading out until two. But if you’d rather lie in bed...”
She shook her head again as she spit. “No, I want to go. I’ll take another aspirin. Oh, tell Smitty I need a stick of cocoa butter.” Ryah turned her head from right to left, staring at the scratches on her face. “These have to go. I’ll have to pile on the makeup today.”