He walked over to the bar near the window and grabbed a fresh bottle of wine. He uncorked it and filled Melanie’s glass. She wouldn’t meet his gaze. Was she about to lose her shit?

He leaned closer to her ear. “She needs this trip.”

Melanie’s eyes darkened. She tossed the red wine all over his crisp white dress shirt. “Fuck her needs,” she yelled, hopping up. Her chair toppled over.

“And fuck you.”

Shit, she reminded me of an older version of Ryah. She got her temper honest from both of her parents.

Her fists slammed into his chest.

“I’ll put the food away, then we’re going to my cousins,” I stated aloud.

Luciano nodded.

Melanie stood before him, foaming at the mouth. I had to get my woman out of here.

“Ryah, go pack a bag.”

Her feet were frozen in place as she watched her parents argue. I knew this was unhealthy. How many times had they argued about Rosetta in front of Ryah?

Melanie’s voice grew louder.

Cupping Ryah’s face, I stared into her eyes. “Hey, go upstairs and pack a bag. Meet me at the front door in five.”

She nodded, then strolled out of the room. After three trips to the kitchen, I had the dishes covered in plastic wrap and stored in the fridge.

“That woman hates the ground I walk on. I don’t want Ryah over to your house anymore.”

Luciano plopped in a chair, scrubbing his face. “She won’t hurt our daughter.”

I was with Melanie on that one. Trusting Rosetta with my woman’s life kept me up most nights lately.

I’d try my best to keep her from spending the night at her dad’s. I peeked up the steps. “Ryah.”

She appeared on the second landing of the wide wooden staircase toting a suitcase.

Damn, was she never coming back?Ryah looked beautiful in the blue print dress. She wore a blue jean jacket over it, and the tan wedge sandals gave her a little height.

I’m in trouble.

“I’ll take that.” I ran toward her and grabbed her luggage. I had no problem taking her away. My parents would love to have her stay with us.

“Let’s go.” The second we were out of the house; I circled my finger in the air letting our men know we were leaving.

After placing her suitcase in the trunk, I climbed behind the steering wheel.

“We can hang at my cousins or at my house.”

Her head tapped the window. “I’d like to go to a hotel. I want to be alone with you.”

I had no intention of taking her virginity tonight. Last week while surfing the web, I found a hotel in the Caymans I planned to take her to for one special night.

“We can load up on junk food and watch a movie.” I reached into the glove box, retrieved my Glock, and placed it in the shoulder holster under my gray blazer.

“A movie and liquor, Rocco,” she bit out.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” I stopped at the wrought-iron gates and nodded at the security guard as I exited Ryah’s community.