“He saved you assholes.” I pointed at them.

Their shoulders slacked. I knew they were thankful Jeremiah stepped in.

Later that afternoon, I stood at Ryah’s locker.

“Hey, Rocco.” Tila gestured her hand near her ear and mouthed call me.

I chuckled and turned my attention to the beauty walking toward me. I was the luckiest bastard in the world. To think I almost lost my woman because I didn’t want to appear clingy. The truth was, I was obsessed with her.

“Hey, Princess.”

She pointed past me. “Tila’s still checking for you, I see.”

I pulled her close and pressed my hard cock against her stomach. “I’m hard for one woman only.”

Her lips pressed against mine. “Good, come back. Let’s grab dinner before we study.”

“Sounds good.”

Driving through the streets of Philly, I brought Ryah’s hand to my lips as I hummed along to one of my favorite songs.

“My dad and Rosetta are going away this summer to the Cayman Islands for two weeks. I want you to come with us.”

“Wait, you’re ok with them going away together?”

“They’re married, Rocco. There isn’t anything I can do about their weird union.”

She snatched her hand away.

“I know it isn’t easy living in two worlds the way you do.”

My woman needed me on that trip.

“I’ll tell Luciano this evening that I’ll join you all on vacation.”

She turned to me and smiled from ear to ear. “Thank you, Rocco.”

I read more into her appreciation. Love danced in those green emerald eyes of hers.


Entering through the garage door, I flipped on the light in the empty kitchen. Soft classical music bellowed through the house speakers. I placed the large bag on the countertop.

“Ryah, I’m going to talk to your dad. I’ll be right back.”

She nodded as she dug into the bag fishing out food.

I strolled down the hall toward her father’s office. My fist rattled against the thick wood.

“Come in.”

“Hey, Luciano.”

His eyes left the computer screen and landed on me. “Rocco, I haven’t seen you inside my house in months. My men often see you down the street. What the fucks up with you? Are you cheating on my daughter?” A scowl swept across his face.

I slipped my fingers through my hair. “To do that I’d have to bring the fictitious chick with me, because I’m parked outside either of your homes every day.” I sank into one of the two chairs.

“I’m trying to find balance in our relationship. I think it’s clear I wasn’t doing a good job because Ryah called me on it today.”