“I could never turn down one of your meals. I’ll wash my hands and meet you ladies in the kitchen.”
Rocco winked at me before vacating the room.
My core tightened. Don’t give into his charm, Ryah. He’s a cunning werewolf. Who will devour you if you let him. Rocco never hid who he was from anyone. He owned his identity. And embraced his future. He would become the mafia boss of the Andrisani crime family.
I dropped my bag and pom-poms on a nearby orange chair.
“Mom, why are you encouraging him?” I whispered, scurrying behind her into the kitchen.
“He has it bad for you.”
Tossing my head back, a loud chuckle followed by a snort left my throat. “He doesn’t. Rocco won’t ever settle down. At sixteen, he has more girls crowded around him every day than a famous Hollywood actor in his prime. Besides, he’s not my type.” I lathered my hands with soap under the hot water in the kitchen sink.
Silence fell around the room. Rarely was mom silent. After drying my hands, I slid into one of the plush, white and gold chairs that matched the marble counter. Our kitchen was renovated every three years on dad’s orders. Nothing too good for Philly’s top gourmet chef.
I know you’re still wondering about my parents. I’ll get there soon.
“You’re dropping the subject?”
She stepped over, planting her lips in my golden-brown coils. “Yes. You’re young. I want you to live your life. Be happy.”
I released a labored sigh. “Thank you.”
“Ms. Soloman, may I have a glass of red wine with my meal?”
Rocco appeared, flashing his white teeth. The overhead ceiling lamps drew attention to his reddened, tanned face.
“No.” Her eyes widened. “What happened to your face?”
His blue eyes fell on me. My heartbeat thudded my chest.
“Ryah, slapped me twice.” He grinned.
Mom folded her arms. “Did you provoke her?”
He threw his hands up like he was surrendering. “No. I was defending her honor.” He sat across from me.
“Let’s just say, I wasn’t a fan of her ex-boyfriend. I roughed him up.”
She stared at me. “You hit him because he defended you?”
“That’s not what happened. Yes, it’s true Drew was pushing his luck, but I could’ve handled him. Rocco almost told him who my father was. So I smacked him.”
“Ryah Conti,” she roared. “I swear, you have your father’s temper.”
“Yup, your daughter’s very feisty. Not to worry, Ms. Soloman. She’s the only girl who could ever get away with laying a hand on me.” His tongue slid across his lower lip, reminding me how hard his cock was in the car. Sick, twisted bastard.
No girl dared to step out of line with him. They’d be dead if they attempted to hit him. His cousin, Scarlet, was an enforcer for his family. She wouldn’t hesitate to cut a bitch’s throat.
Mom walked over to the warmer. “Maybe you should miss cheering at the game this weekend, Ryah.”
I leaned over the counter. “You’re dead,” I mouthed.
“Princess, is that a threat?” he whispered.
“Ms. Soloman, we need Ryah at the game. Builds morale for my teammates.” He never tore his eyes from mine.
I felt like French fries sitting under a heating lamp. Like I said, he was cunning.