“Ok.” Her worried eyes stared back at me.
Smitty opened the rear passenger door.
Rocco spoke to Smitty on the phone earlier. He told him I hurt my neck.
Smitty climbed behind the steering wheel. “I can grab the neck brace from Genn. It would ease some of the pain.”
“No, Smitty. I’ll be ok,” I winced.
“The doctor will give me a new one. Besides, I don’t want Art to suspect anything different from what I told him.”
“Princess, he already does. He doesn’t buy that you fell down the steps,” Rocco muttered.
He leaned his elbow on the door and rested his chin on his fist, staring out the window.
“Rocco, talk to me. You’re so distant. I know you’re turning tonight’s events over in your head.”
“The store problem should have been the only matter you assisted with tonight. I put you in danger.”
“Don’t blame yourself for this.” I brought his free hand to my heart.
“Who else should I blame? It’s on me if something happens to you. Your father will keep you under lock and key after tonight.”
“Oh, so you’re giving up on me now?”
“Of course, not.”
“If you coddle me like my father, we’ll go back to being friends.”
He snatched his hand away. “Your father isn’t coddling you. He’s trying to protect you the only way he knows how. I almost lost you tonight. If you would’ve died, your father would’ve had every right to kill me.”
“He can’t kill you because of my decisions. I chose to assist you on the job.”
“That’s not how this works, Ryah, and you know it. Sleep on it. Think back on tonight’s events. That asshole shot at you twice and knocked you in the head.”
“Rocco, you didn’t tell me he shot at her. Where’s the motherfucker now?” he roared.
“Smitty, the bastard is mine. He’ll be dead before dinner tomorrow.”
Rocco’s hand cradled my cheek. “I can’t lose you, Ryah.”
My body warmed under his touch. His soft lips melted against mine, taking my breath away. Rocco sat up and stared down at me. Lost in his sad blue eyes, my heart broke for him. In that split second, the tough bad boy wore his heart on his sleeve again for me.
“We’re here,” Smitty stated, breaking our stare.
They immediately checked me into the hospital and I had a private room in under thirty minutes.
Rocco was by my side the entire time. Even after my parents arrived, he refused to leave.
Lying in bed Sunday afternoon, I sent a text to Breann.
Me: Sorry I couldn’t come over for dinner tonight. We’ll try again next week. Does that sound good?
Breann: Rocco told me about your fall. I hope you heal quickly. Can’t wait to play you in ROBLOX next week.
Me: Thanks. Same here.