I held my hand over my eyes, blocking the bright lights overhead.

“You need to rest for a couple of days. You have whiplash. I’ll leave you with medication for the pain. I’ve agreed to see you again on Tuesday.”

He placed the brace around my neck.

“No need to see me again.” Shooting pain struck the back of my neck. I winced.

“I’ll go to the hospital.”

“Ok. If you need me, Rocco knows how to get a hold of me.”

“Thank you.”

Rocco walked Dr. Goodwin to the door.

I pondered on what lie I’d tell mom. I’ll tell her I was at Rocco’s cousins, where I was supposed to be right now. And that Margo and I were running through the house and I fell down the steps. Of course, she wouldn’t buy that load of bull, but it was better than the alternative. ‘Mom, I was hijacking a truck while it was in motion. The motherfucker knocked me in the head with his shotgun.’ Thank goodness my helmet wasn’t a piece of shit or the shield would’ve cracked.

“Let’s get you back to my cousins.” Rocco scooped me off the table. Throbbing pain shot through my body. I rested my head against his shoulder.

“I’ll tell you the plan on the way.”

He didn’t say a word. Rocco had a lot on his mind. Where was the truck driver?

My head rested in Rocco’s lap as Genn drove us to Margo’s.

“Rocco, what’s the plan for the shipment?”

His big strong calloused hand stroked my hair.

“Agosto will turn it over to my dad.”

“What about the guy?”

“He hit my princess.” His bruised knuckles danced across my cheek.

“The bastard will pay with his life,” he growled.

Rocco watched the entire horrid scene unfold before his eyes. He tried saving me multiple times, but I asked him to stand down. I had to complete my part of the job.

Nothing like climbing back over the gate in my condition. His cousins asked me a thousand questions when we walked through the back door. Five minutes later, I gripped my bare neck as we strolled out the front door.

Art ran toward us like he was running toward a burning building. He was ex-military, and it showed. Smitty was right behind him.

“Ryah, what happened?” Huffing and puffing, Art lightly gripped my neck. His wild dark eyes moved over me.

“Margo and I were playing around. I lost my footing on the stairs just before Rocco arrived.”

I bit my lower lip. “I tumbled down. My entire body aches.”

His eyes narrowed. Art gruffly rubbed his dark bearded jaw. “Rocco, tell me you didn’t push her,” he growled.

Great, my bodyguard still questioned my boyfriend.

“I won’t dignify that with an answer. She’s in pain. I need to get her to the hospital.”

Rocco scooped me up into his arms again. Art stalked into the house, hurling questions at Margo and Josh.

“Margo, I’ll call you later,” I yelled.