THE COPPER WATER DISPLAYin the foyer held my attention. A powerful hand swept along my waist, pulling me close. His soft lips skimmed my ear.

“Do you plan to stare at the wall fountain the entire time we’re here?”

“No, but it’s soothing.” I squeezed Rocco’s hand.

Margo and Josh stormed the elegant wooden staircase past Smitty and Rocco’s bodyguard, Genn.

“What’s up, guys?” Margo popped her gum.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, and inhaled her cherry scented shoulder length black hair.

She stepped back.

“Nothing much. Happy to hang out with you guys,” I smiled.

“Hey, Josh.”


I turned to my bodyguard. “Smitty, can we go now?”

“Yup, all clear. I’ll be outside if you need me.”


He spoke to Margo and Josh’s bodyguard before walking out of the door.

Rocco whispered something in Genn’s ear.

His aunt Greta and her husband Jericho were at a benefit. Greta was Urbano’s older sister.

Where Rocco lacked in friends, he made up in family. He had tons of cousins. A few of them were his age.

I had lots of family also. My mother’s side of the family didn’t associate with us because of my father’s mafia ties. Dad’s family loved me, but hated that my mother was his mistress. I heard they called her his Gumar. Made my stomach churn just thinking about their level of hatred for her.

“It’s funny the last time you two were here, Ryah couldn’t stand you, bro.” Josh pointed between us.

“She cared about me. Just had a funny way of showing it. That’s all.”

I glanced up at him. “I wouldn’t go that far, but he can be very persuasive.”

Rocco grinned from ear to ear, tugging on my hoodie drawstrings. “I sure fucking can.”

Margo looped her arm around mine. “We’ll grab snacks and meet you guys in the theater room.”

Rocco and Josh fell into a conversation and nodded as they continued on.

“Ryah, didn’t I tell you my cousin was in love with you?”

An obnoxious laugh left my throat as we walked into the large kitchen. The smell of cheesesteak lit the air.

“You did, but I just thought you were wishful. Whenever the four of us are together, we have a great time. I thought you felt we needed to take it to the next level.”

My eyes fell on the Pat’s bag on the side counter. “Can’t wait to dig my teeth into a steak sandwich.”