“I want to stay with you tonight but...”

My lips inched up at one end. “I’ll hold you all night.”

Her shoulders dropped, and she exhaled.

“Ryah, you said it yourself; I’m not that piece of shit.” I pointed at the fucker behind us.

She shook her head.

“Even if you said you were ready, I wouldn’t go there. We’ll wait. I can please you without caressing your insides with my dick. Ryah, you’re not just any girl. You are pure gold. Most importantly you belong to me.”

She pulled her lower lip into her mouth. Ryah’s lust filled eyes sent a jolt of energy to my cock.

“I better make this quick before he bleeds out.”

“Yeah.” She discarded the bloody knife on the table.

I walked over to the metal box hanging from the ceiling. “All right, Drew. Time to see if you want to live or die.” I gripped the compact box and pushed the motorized switch.

“I want to live,” he screamed repeatedly, as his brown hair inched closer to the ground.

I didn’t let up until his head smacked the cement floor.

“Ah,” he yelped.

The guards winced around us.

“Rocco, I’ll persuade my dad to stop investigating your family,” Drew shouted, holding his head with his good hand.

“If we have to meet again under similar circumstances, I’ll use a machine to rip your body apart.”

Staring at my bodyguard, I pointed at the scum before me. “Agosto contact that doctor at Temple University hospital who owes my father a favor. Tell him to patch Drew up. Don’t forget his finger.”

“On it, Rocco.”


After parking my truck in the garage, Ryah and I strolled inside the house.

“It’s quiet,” Ryah whispered.

“They’re here somewhere. Mom and dad are usually in the theater room.” I guided her down the hall.

“Breann’s probably in her bedroom.”

We stood in the doorway. “Mom and dad, I’m home. Ryah’s with me for the night.”

Their eyes left the big screen TV and landed on us.

“For the night?” dad questioned.

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Andrisani.” She waved. “Rocco forgot to mention I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms.”

I was sure that put my parents' minds at ease.

“Ryah, how are you doing?” Mom smiled from ear-to-ear.
