Several gossipy students paused and eyeballed us as we continued toward her locker.

“Seriously, what do you think about my situation? My mom is technically his gumar,” she whispered.

“Lot’s of men have gumars. Your mother’s different, though. He was in love with Melanie before the bosses made the marriage arrangement between him and Rosetta.”

“Yeah, I wish dad never had to marry her. Deep down, I wish my mom could have a different life. She deserves to kiss in public and hold hands.” Ryah spun the combination lock.

“Princess, she made the decision to love him. If she truly wanted to walk away, she would have.”

“It’s not that easy, Rocco. He’s obsessed with her. You know, never mind,” her voice wavered. Ryah rarely displayed vulnerability. She needed to know she could count on me.

I removed her backpack, then her coat.

“Whenever you have doubts or just want to talk, know you have me.” I released her bag. It hit the floor with a light thud.

Standing behind her, I planted my lips against her neck as I hung her coat.

She turned, wrapping herself in my arms. “Thank you, Rocco.”

“We stick together. We can talk about anything. Do you understand?”

She nodded and buried her face against my chest. “They’re staring.”

“A lot of that will go on today. Just until people can wrap their heads around us being a couple.”

She stepped back and removed books from her locker.

“My dad invited you over for Sunday dinner yesterday, but I figured you could join us another time.”

“How about next Sunday?”

“That works.”

“Girls might test you today.”

A devious smile lit her lips. “I’m ready.”

I snaked my arms around her waist and crushed her lips. The chicks needed to learn quickly that this relationship with Ryah was permanent. I wouldn’t let girls suck me off in secret. The only girl I desired was slipping her fingers up the back of my hair.

Ryah pulled back.

“I have a surprise for you.”

She batted her long lashes. “What is it?”

“You’ll see later this morning.”

“Can’t wait.” A huge smile took her kissable lips.