I shrugged. “Keep your little crush. When were together, don’t stare at her with a fucking twinkle in your eye.”
Two dark Suburbans rolled to a stop behind his black Lamborghini.
Anger brewed in his eyes. I didn’t give care.
“Fellas, what the fuck is all of this?” Gian widened his arms, stalking toward us.
His father Eduardo was the boss of the Cerullo crime family. The three of us would soon run this town.
Chest puffed out, he stood between me and Bosco. “What is this? A contest to see whose balls are bigger?”
Bosco and I stared each other down.
If Gian didn’t walk up when he did, not sure things wouldn’t have escalated.
“We stick together. Not fight each other. Talk to me.” He peeked between us.
“I came here to ensure we were on the same page. Ryah’s my woman. No more flirting with her, Bosco. Move on. I’m cool with us hanging out.”
Gian peered into his eyes. “Bosco, are you good?”
He raised his pretty boy head and visibly swallowed. “Yeah,” he bit out.
“We’ll get together later this week.” Gian grinned.
“Yup, sounds like a plan.” Gripping Turmoil’s leash, I strolled toward the truck.
Screw Bosco and his feelings for my woman. It was time for him to move on.
Standing outside the school early Monday morning with my hands deep in my jacket pockets, I nodded at a few of my teammates before they entered the building.
The Escalade rolled to a stop at the front of the car drop off line. I opened the rear passenger door.
“Good morning, Princess.
“Morning, Rocco.”
“Smitty, how are you this morning?”
“I’m well, Rocco. See you two around.”
I nodded as I closed the door.
Looping my arm around her neck, I pecked her lips. “How did it go this morning?”
“Good. I said goodbye to my dad before he left on his business trip. Rocco, you never comment about my living arrangements. Why is that?”
“What are you talking about?”
“My dad lives between two houses. He sleeps with my mother. They even share closet space.”
“Oh, and how he acts like a human being when I visit you at your mother’s house.” I opened the door.
Her smile disappeared. “That has nothing to do with it. You pushed him, Rocco.”
“Yeah, I know. It wasn’t the nicest thing to do.”