Great, asking him to stand down only added fuel to the fire.

Rocco tore Drew’s helmet from his hand and bashed him over the head with it.

“Ryah, is off limits,” he roared.

Drew shoved Rocco.

A few heads turned, but no one dared to intervene.

If they did, their lives would end.

“Ryah told you she wasn’t ready.”

Rocco’s eyes fell on me. “Does he know who you are?”

I pointed a finger in his face. “Don’t,” I warned, through clenched teeth.

“I’m my own woman.”

“He can’t disrespect you like that. Your-”

My hand met his iron jaw. A crack whipped through the air and his shoulder length inky hair swept across his face.

“A bad bitch, that’s who.”

Throaty laughter left his airways. “Hit me again.”

I obliged.

He gruffly massaged his cheek. “Well, that was a turn on. Drew, get the fuck out of my presence.” Rocco’s eyes never left mine.

“She’s no longer your girlfriend.”

“You don’t answer for her,” Drew snarled.

“Tell him, Ryah, before I make an example out of him and he never plays football again.”

“It’s over, Drew.”

His jaw dropped. “You’re not serious. Are you fucking him? Is that why you’re so cold?”

“Look, Drew. You only care about getting into my pants.”

“And this gangster doesn’t?” He pointed at Rocco.

“I really wish you wouldn’t have said that.”

The smile on Rocco’s handsome face disappeared. “Yeah, I really wish you would’ve kept your big mouth shut.”

Rocco yanked him by the front of his jersey and pounded Drew’s face with his fist.

Tossing him to the ground like a rag doll, Rocco continued wailing on his pale, pretty face.

Drew managed to get in a few blows. I placed my hands-on Rocco’s wide shoulders. “Stop.”

His body trembled under my touch. That didn’t just happen. Must’ve been my imagination.

Chest heaving, he rose. “No one disrespects me like that.” He spat blood on Drew’s uniform.