“Just kidding.” I darted out the door.

Wait till I get my hands, mouth, and teeth on my princess.

I ran down the steps and glanced around the corner.

Ryah stood across the room at the gun counter loading a Glock with her back to me.

“Let’s talk, Ryah.” I peeked at the dark gray L-shaped sofa, and oversized TV sitting on the wooden display at the opposite end of the room. It was complete with a kitchen and a full bathroom. Everything you needed for a long movie weekend. Or, if you didn’t want to be bothered. This was a great escape. We had a similar room at my house. Sometimes I disappeared down there on Friday and didn’t emerge till Sunday afternoon.

“We should practice first.”

“No, we’ll eat and talk. Put the safety on the Glock.” I stretched my hand out for hers.

Ryah did as she was told and palmed my hand.

“Your dad said you’ll run his empire at his side. No street activity.”

“He acts like I’m a fragile doll. I’m not. If I haven’t broken yet, I’ll be fine.”

I brought her knuckles to my lips. “Ryah, I know.”

A shiver shot through her body. What was she hiding?

Did I scare her?

“Rocco, after we wash our hands, you grab the plates and I’ll get the drinks and napkins.” She tore her hand out of my grip for the second time today. That shit had to stop.

I sat our pizza filled plates on the coffee table, then flipped on the TV.

Ryah sank on the sofa beside me.

“Do I scare you?” I bit into a slice of the pepperoni pizza.

She sipped the ginger ale. “Of course, not.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

She sighed. “A long time ago, you said it pains your eyes to look at me. If that’s true, why would you want to be in a relationship with me?” Her beautiful eyes saddened.

Shit.I dropped the slice on the plate, then pinched my eyes shut.

“Ryah.” I pulled her hand close and stared into her eyes. “That statement was meant to hide how I felt about you. I’ve always had it bad for you.”

“Rocco, we were already on shaky ground. Your words drove me away.”

“What brought you back?”

She removed her hand and picked up a slice of pizza. “A collection of things, really.” Ryah bit into the slice.

“God, I was hungry.” She closed her eyes, savoring the pepperoni and cheese.

“So good.” Ryah threw her hand up. “Rocco, you’ve always flirted with me. I just thought you were playing around.” She shrugged.

“My mom said you like me. Then dad said the same thing. I guess I pondered on our recent interactions. You waited in the shadows, ready to pounce on anyone who disrespected me. When my fingers grazed your knuckles, the other day you flinched. And how you sat with me as I told my so-called friends who I really was. Then you said you wouldn’t ever leave me. That statement won half my heart. At that moment, I made up my mind I’d kiss you.” She tossed the slice on the plate and wiped her hands on a napkin.

“Ryah, every time you defy me you make my dick hard as a rock.”

Her smile rose and fell. “Why did you stare at me like a crazed man last night?”