ONCE THROUGH THE WROUGHT-iron gates of the Conti estate, I threw the gear stick in park, then killed the engine. Ercole opened my door. “Good, you’re here early.” He smirked.

“Yeah, good to see you again.”

Scooping up the large pizza box, I nodded at the butler as I walked through the double door entrance.

I left my jacket in the back seat of the car. The navy henley hugged my chest and abs. My jeans fit a little loose and tapered behind the tongue of my black boots.

I wore the cologne that smelled like ginger and vanilla. The effect it had on Ryah didn’t go unnoticed.

“Good evening, Mr. Andrisani,” the chef stated, as I stepped into the kitchen.

“Hello, Martha.” I sat the box on the counter.

Her brown eyes brightened. “I’ll place it in the warmer.”

“Thank you.” I continued down the long hall toward my destination.

Taking a deep breath, my knuckles rattled the heavy wooden door.

“Come in.”

I pushed the door open. Ryah sat in one of the two seats at the long dark wooden desk across from her dad.

My eyes fell over Ryah’s yellow frilly blouse. Her honey brown curls cascaded over her shoulders. She didn’t acknowledge me, and I hated that shit. The pounding muscle in my chest felt like it would burst through my ribcage. This was the only girl that made me nervous as fuck.

He stood staring between me and his daughter. “Rocco, have a seat. How are you?”

“Good, Luciano.”

He sat behind his desk, bridging his fingers together against his nose. “I talked to Urbano this morning. He informed me you and my daughter are a couple.”

I sat beside her, reached for Ryah’s hand, and clutched it tight. Her soft, warm skin brought me comfort.

“Yes, Ryah is my girlfriend.”

His brows lowered. “But you didn’t ask her?”

I chuckled. “No, I didn’t. She’s my woman. Did she say she didn’t want to be in a relationship with me?”

“Well fuck, I forgot to ask her,” he barked out, sarcastically.

His eyes fell on her. “Do you want to be with Rocco?”

For the first time since I entered the room, her green eyes met mine. She served me a bleak gaze.

“I kissed Rocco last night.” She peeled her eyes away, staring at a spot on the desk.

“I know I told you he didn’t want me to leave. That was true.” Ryah visibly swallowed.

My fingers massaged the back of her hand. I’d touched her hand so many times, but this was different. The tough girl beside me was conflicted about our kiss. Was it because my cock was deep inside another girl?

Ryah needed to know the kiss we shared changed something resonant between us. We always had an unspoken connection. But that kiss cemented how I felt for this girl. How I only ever wanted to be with this girl.

She glanced at her dad. “I was embarrassed.” Ryah bit the corner of her lip.