PLOPPING ON THE REDsofa next to mom, I brought her hand to my lips and planted a kiss. “Is this a new episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey?”
“Yes.” She grinned. “How was the party?”
She ran her free hand over her burgundy short curls.
“It was cool.”
Mom reached for my hand and examined my knuckles. “Did you beat up another boy over Ryah?”
I ignored her question. “We’re a couple now.”
Mom’s arched brows shot up. “Finally.”
Earlier, I told Ryah my parents knew we were in a relationship. I just told her that so she’d understand I was serious.
Her blue eyes met mine. “Does Luciano know?”
“No, but once I tell Dad-”
Mom cut me off. “He’ll know.” Hearty laughter poured out of her throat.
“She’s the only girl who can handle you.”
“Mom, I don’t like the word, handle. I’d say she’s a spunky girl who rarely backs down to me.”
Mom elbowed me in the side. “She’s a challenge.”
“Yup. Always has been.” I kissed her cheek.
“Where’s dad?”
“Watching the ID channel in the bedroom.”
“All right, after I see dad, I’m turning in. See you in the morning.”
“Hang your coat before you go upstairs. Good night, Rocco.”
I walked down the hall past the service kitchen our bodyguards often frequented. Once up the winding staircase, I stepped into my sister’s room.
Head flung on the pillow; she clutched the popcorn bowl beside her. I removed the bowl and placed it on the side table. Spiderman two blasted on the oversized TV hanging on the wall across from her bed.
Breann always fell asleep watching movies. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.
“Goodnight, little sis.” I smiled.
Shit, I forgot to hang my coat.
I’d leave it on the table in the hall. The maid would take care of it.
Dad was a night owl and so was I.
Guess I got it honest. Most of the time, I fell asleep watching an action movie, well after midnight. I peeked into my parents' bedroom. “Hey, I’m in for the night.” I sauntered across the plush, navy carpet toward the monstrous king-sized bed fit for a mafia king and queen.
Dad chuckled, staring at the scene unfolding on TV. “I swear they are the dumbest killers.” Dad sipped whiskey out of the crystal glass. His wild black hair fell on his forehead.
Dad was a good-looking motherfucker. He had those deep smoldering brown eyes chicks dug. His hair was curly like mine. We also shared the same olive colored skin. His thick, dark brows gave his eyes more of a serious look. Evil and unforgiving to his enemies, but to the ladies I guess you could say the stare was sexy. We also shared that expression. If any woman stared at dad in mom’s presence, she’d tell them to put their eyeballs back in their fucking heads or else. It was safe to say I didn’t have a problem getting pussy. Chicks begged for my cock. They often said I was the hottest guy in school. I didn’t know how true that was. At least I knew when I got older, not much would change. I’d be a handsome asshole.