RYAH MIDORI CONTI DROVEme absolutely insane. Her cute lips. Those green eyes that reminded you of an ocean struck by a tsunami. All that fucking lip and that fearless attitude. She stirred emotions in me I didn’t know existed.
Every Sunday after church, I chased her and tugged that curly puff on top of her head. The day she punched me dead in my nose, I saw her clearer. Knew one day she’d become my weakness.
For generations, our families were close. Our fathers were good friends who grew up together. Guess they thought it was best we attended school together most of our lives, too.
When we were kids, Ryah asked why I hated her. I said, “The sight of you pains my eyes.”
The light in her green eyes disappeared. And my heart slammed into my ribcage like a freight train. But the devious smirk on my lips never wavered. The bitter lie soured on my tongue after the dreadful statement left my mouth.
I’d often stared at her any time we were together. Not sure why she didn’t call me on my bullshit.
Terrorizing her ceased in seventh grade. Around the time, more and more boys chased after her. The ones who became her little boyfriends met my fist at least once before their relationship ended. Some guys didn’t want the hassle and steered clear of her.
The judge's kid Drew bragged to our teammates that he’d soon bag Ryah.
Let’s just say, if his girlfriend didn’t place her calming hands on my shoulders when she did, he would have landed in a coma. He was my fucking breaking point.
I overheard a few basketball players chatting at lunch Friday. Elon, a star player on the team, told his buddies he planned to go after Ryah next.
His exact words. “I plan to beat up her virgin pussy with my dick. You guys can have her next.”
Elon’s buddies patted his back and laughed.
I didn’t make a move then, but his time was definitely coming. My temper was burning hot like a lake of fire.
Later that night, at the party, when I removed Ryah’s coat, I checked out.
She did exactly as I instructed. Wore a dress that hugged every curve on her delicious body. My cock strained in my jeans.
I was speechless. Me. Fucking shocking.
Ryah thought I’d announce she was single. No way.
She took matters into her own hands. Ryah shook that cute little ass on the floor, then asked the DJ to announce she was back on the market.
I could barely enjoy the party. Ryah clouded my vision. Emily whisper shouted in my ear, “Stop looking at her like you want her. You’re here with me.”
“I’m not here with you, Emily. You’re here for my dick and that’s all you’re ever getting from me.”
“What do you give her?”
My beating heart.
“Ryah, doesn’t concern you.” I brought the red solo cup to my lips and gulped the whiskey.
Guys sniffed behind Ryah and her friends like a pack of starving wolves.
I guess Emily had enough of watching me sulk on the sidelines. She pulled my arm, leading me upstairs.
Once through the bedroom door, I threw her against the wall. “Be honest with yourself. The only thing you care about is my dick.”
I swiped the beanie off my head and shoved it into my back pocket.
“Rocco, I need you inside me now,” she moaned, planting kisses all over my face, trying to catch my lips.