Fuck, someone was in here. How long could I stay in the stall? Permanently? I heard the water faucet turn on.
“You can come out. I know you’re in here,” her tone wasn’t threatening.
Probably a tactic she used before she killed her enemies. Did she carry out the act of murder herself, or did she have her muscle handle her dirty work?
After peeing for like a century, I cleaned myself up. Then I breathed deep and walked out of the stall. I didn’t make eye contact as I approached the sink. She stood in my periphery. I lathered my hands with soap and massaged them under the stream of hot water.
“Do you plan to pretend I’m not standing here?”
I swallowed hard as I glanced at her through the mirror. Her golden-brown hair was pinned in a beautiful bun in the back of her head.
“He has the same eyes as you?” I uttered aloud. My heart quaked.
Her brows lowered. “Who?”
“Your son.” My words bounced off the walls in the empty bathroom.
“Are you an acquaintance of my son’s?”
I didn’t answer her.
“You’re more beautiful up close.”
Her brows wrinkled again.
“Sorry, that sounds creepy.” I grabbed a few paper towels and dried my hands.
“I’ve seen you stand outside La Bella’s with your son. I often admired that soft look you gave him.”
A sweet smile swept over her lips. “Thank you. What’s your name?”
I held my shaky hands in front of me. “Have a good night.”
I began to step past her. Every nerve ending in my body banged against my skin.
She grabbed my wrist.
Shit, I’m a dead woman. She’s a murderer!
Luciano would never know what happened to me. I’d be sleeping at the bottom of the ocean.
“Where did you get this bracelet from?”
My brows rustled together. “What?”
She brought my wrist closer. “This belonged to my mother.” Her eyes widened.
The room spun like I was standing against a wall that flew top speed. I reached for the counter. That was the last thing I remembered.
I heard whispering.
“You gave her my mother's bracelet. Why Luciano?”
My eyes fluttered open. I took in my surroundings. There was elegant cream furniture throughout. Was I in someone’s office?
“You told me to give the bracelet to the woman I knew I wanted to be with for the rest of my days.”