Eloisa and Agatino made their rounds, speaking to the guests at each table. By the time they’d reach the back of the room, I’d gracefully escape to the restroom.

Luciano thought I’d stay home and practice new dishes for my culinary classes. No such luck, baby. Earlier, I hopped in my new Lexus coupe and drove toward the Ritz-Carlton hotel. I weaved in and out of traffic, reaching my destination before my bodyguard.

By the time he caught up with me, I sashayed into the banquet room and sat at one of the empty tables at the back of the room. I was one of the first guests to arrive. I made myself comfortable while I read the menu card and drank a glass of water. Ercole shot an evil glare at me. He would’ve hauled my ass out of there if he weren’t afraid, I’d cause a scene.

Waiters approached and placed our plates before us. Their presence brought me back from my thoughts. I didn’t waste time diving into the four-course meal. After I devoured the Caesar salad, I slid a fork full of buttery mashed potatoes into my mouth. The food helped absorb my liquor.

“Are you having a good time?”

I peeked at the woman beside me. My eyes fell over her cute blonde pixie cut.

“Yes, it’s a beautiful engagement party.”

“Are you a guest of the Contis or the Vitales?”

“The Contis. And you?”

“The Vitales. Rosetta is my second cousin.” She flashed an uneven grin.

“Why are you sitting way back here? Shouldn’t you be with your family?”

“Yes, but I like to drink in peace.”

We laughed.

“I couldn’t bear to listen to them fawn all over my cousin’s fiancée. He’s the perfect gentleman. Always taking her on dates.” She waved her hand. “You know, showering her with gifts.”

The air caught in my throat, and my stomach twisted in knots. When did he have time to go out with her? He was always with me.

I slicked my hand over my sweaty brow. The woman needed to shut the fuck up before I lost my shit.

Sliding another sliver of the filet mignon into my mouth, I nodded at her words. I tuned her out by now. It took everything in me not to storm to the front of the room and slam a knife into that cold bitch’s heart. Maybe I was overreacting. What if Rosetta was acting too? I shouldn’t jump the gun.

The couple danced to a few more songs. I needed a break, so I excused myself. The restroom closest to the venue was probably crowded. I walked to another one on the other side of the building. Ercole trailed at a distance behind me.

I heard light laughter coming from a darkened banquet room. The door was open. The carpet silenced my high heels as I crept toward the door.

“Brock, stop. Wait till the engagement party is over. You’ll have me all to yourself.”

My heart raced in my chest. What made me spy on the couple? Maybe I was a hopeless romantic. Or, just plain nosy.

I peeked around the corner. The lavender dress caught my eye. I blinked three times and told myself that wasn’t Luciano’s mother with a man named Brock. He towered over her, kissing her lips.

I was so caught up in my meal earlier, I hadn’t noticed Eloisa left Agatino’s side.

Run Melanie. Pretend what’s unfolding in front of youisn’t.

Brock braced his cowboy hat against her hip and gripped her ass with his other hand.

I gasped, and their eyes instantly fell on me.

Shit, shit.

The tiny hairs stood all over my body. This was how innocent people were killed by the mob. Because they saw something they shouldn’t have. I swept my shaky hand over my neat bun and scurried toward the restroom. Fuck looking back. Hopefully, they couldn’t make out my face in the dark.

Dipping into a far stall, I sat on the toilet. My body pulsated. It felt like my heart would explode in any minute.

I heard the door close a second time.