AFTER THE FOOTBALLgame, I sat in the back of the Escalade waiting for Rocco.
I stared into the custom mirror mounted on the back seat, touching up my hair and makeup.
Clenching my eyes shut, I exhaled.
“Everything ok, Ryah?” Smitty peeked through the rearview mirror.
I met his brown-eyed gaze. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Are you nervous?”
I shook my head. “No. Just ready to dance.”
“If things get too crazy, you’ll find me parked across the street from the Shaylands mansion.”
Marty guarded me until I was thirteen. He was reassigned, then Smitty became my new detail. I asked dad why he switched my guards. He said he preferred to keep guards in their thirties on my detail. Said they had to be able to take down anyone who threatened my life. There was always one more guard in the distance. Hiding in plain sight. Ready to move.
Knuckles rattled against the window.
I pushed the door open.
“Hey, Smitty.” Rocco waved.
He wore a dark beanie, navy T-shirt, dark jeans, and rugged black boots.
“You keep an eye on her, Rocco,” Smitty growled.
“Of course, I will.”
Rocco stretched his hand out toward me. “Let’s get out of here, Princess.”
I placed my hand in his as I glanced over my shoulder. “See you later, Smitty.”
He nodded, cutting his eyes at Rocco before the door slammed shut.
Rocco tossed his arm over my shoulders. “Ready to lose yourself tonight?”
I peered into his radiant blue eyes under the night sky. “Hell yeah.”
Fifteen minutes later, we met Faith in the grand foyer of the Shaylands mansion. Kids poured through the cream marble archways into the living room.
“I’ll take your coat, Ryah.” Rocco grabbed my collar.
I held the tiny purse in my hand as I shrugged out of my coat, then smoothed my hands over the soft black fabric clinging to my curves.
“Nice dress, Ryah.” Faith winked.
Rocco didn’t say a word instead his eyes roamed every inch of my body. I felt self-conscious under his gaze.
“We’re out, Rocco.” I grabbed Faith’s hand. “Time to find the alcohol.”
Strutting toward the massive crowd, I swung my hips to “Fancy by Drake.” People stood smoking weed and drinking in every corner of Matt’s lavish mansion.