Ryah, you can do it.

I had to sike myself up to continue on with my plan. Running away during a war wasn’t the brightest idea I had. But I knew for a fact dad wouldn’t let me see Rocco before we left. Who was I kidding? I wanted to stay with him. After shoving my pillows under the sheet, I flung my messenger bag across my body, and gripped the rifle strap on my shoulder as I tiptoed toward the door.

My bedroom was next to Rocco’s. I’d climb out of his window since it was in the back of the house, next to the patio. I could hide behind the bush, then make a mad dash toward the trees. I glanced down the hallway.

My heart beat in my throat as I peeked both ways down the dark hall. The coast was clear. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I should’ve played a calming playlist through the night. There would’ve been less tip toeing. I made careful steps next door. Good thing I left his bedroom door open yesterday. I scurried toward the window and glanced at the bush, my hiding spot for a minute. The tiny hairs stood on the back of my neck. The fear of getting caught was heavy on my mind. I started the stopwatch function on my watch and waited for each guard to pass. Ok Ryah, you have thirty seconds to get out the window and behind that bush.

The second Art walked by; I wasted no time climbing out of the window. I lowered it, then crouched behind the bush. My rapid heartbeat against my ribcage as I kept a tight grip on the miniature flashlight. Once Duran was out of view, darted to the corner of the house and peeked to the left. This was my window. I ran across the grass at top speed toward the sea of trees in my wake. There wasn’t a chance in hell I’d look back. My feet felt like miniature weights each time they slapped the grass blades. When I made it past the first row of trees, I turned on my flashlight and jogged until I felt like I was a safe distance from the house.

I retrieved my phone and earbuds from my bag. My heart still rattled in my chest and throat. The warm weather was the only thing pleasant about this walk. If anyone wandered in the woods, I’d pull out my Glock. They’d learn really quick I wasn’t to be fucked with.

I shoved one earbud in my ear and tapped a button on my screen. The light from the map illuminated my face. The word Heritage Beach stared back at me. I set the directions for walking and hustled through the trees toward the road. It would be daylight soon. If I moved fast, I could get into town by six thirty. Thank goodness I usually kept a bottle of water on my nightstand. My throat felt like a desert. I took two sips of the water then returned the bottle to my bag. One of my favorite songs bellowed in my ear as I strolled down the side of the road. Not one car passed as I continued on luckily. In the back of my mind, I envisioned Art pulling up and tossing me into the car and taking me back to dad. The second the beach came into view; I dropped my phone in the dirt and slammed the heel of my shoe against the screen several times. That would keep dad from tracking my whereabouts. A smile crept across my face as I tossed it into a nearby garbage can. The sun rising over the Caribbean Sea was beautiful. I wished Rocco were here to enjoy the view.

Hotels lined the beach as far as you could see. The resorts with the colorful roofs were so vibrant. The pools and the umbrellas I strolled past made me forget about my situation for just a moment. I walked between two properties toward the parking lot. The bench the kids sat on the other night called my name. Planting my ass on the wooden bench, I sat marveling at the sea. Once Islanders began filling the beach, I’d hide out nearby until Rocco and his men scoured the area for me. I couldn’t wait to be wrapped in my man’s arms.