Ryah swam toward me. She rose to the surface like a beautiful mermaid. I was in awe of her. Ryah slammed her foot into my chest before squeezing the excess water out of her hair. I stumbled back.

“You’re that upset because I wouldn’t swim way out there?”

“Rocco, way out there?” She pointed over her shoulder.

“It’s not that far. You act like you can’t swim.”

“It’s dark, and I just didn’t want to swim that far.”

Ryah shoved her palms into my chest. “You better start talking.”

One thing was for sure; Ryah wasn’t afraid of me.

I whipped my wet hair back and blew out a breath.

She narrowed her eyes. “Rocco, I’m fucking waiting.”

Peeking over my shoulder, I noticed Agosto checking his surroundings. Good, he was doing his job.

I met Ryah’s stone cold gaze.

“Shit, this is ridiculous. Ryah, this is between me and you.”

She didn’t say a word. Her eyes were dark as night. That was how angry my woman was.

“Ryah, I can swim. But I hate feeling like I’m not in control. Swimming so far out and the thought of not being able to touch the bottom fucks with my head.”

She stepped closer. “I never knew that. You’re supposed to tell me everything. We don’t have fucking secrets.”

My eyes fell over her wavy, wet locks. “How long do you plan to stay upset?”

“I’m ok.” Ryah stared into my eyes. “Rocco, if I were drowning would you save me?”

“What? Yes.”

She smiled. “I know you would. I’m just messing with you.”

Ryah wrapped her arms around my waist. “Rocco, don’t keep anything from me again.” Her lips traced over my pecs.

“I won’t. It’s just embarrassing to admit.”

“What am I afraid of?”

“Spiders. But what girl isn’t?”

Her lips twisted. “No, Rocco. I’m not afraid of little spiders. It’s the bigger ones that freak me out.” She shook against me, clenching her eyes shut.

“There are a lot of spiders on the island.”

Her eyes popped open. “What?”

Ryah stepped back.

I yanked her back into my arms. “I won’t let a spider touch you tonight. I’ll kill any bug in your wake.”

My serious gaze locked on her wide eyes.

“You can’t, Rocco. You’ll be in the room next door. It’s ok. I’ll sleep with my flip flop.”