CLAD IN ALL BLACK,I stood in the middle of the dark deserted road, pointing a Glock at the eighteen-wheeler barreling down the road toward me. I knew Gian and Bosco thought I was crazy. But fuck it. We had a job to do.

The driver’s eyes bulged as he met my gaze and realized who I was. He slammed on the brakes. The oversized wheels screeched across the slick pavement as the bed of the truck jackknifed.

The driver jumped out of the truck. “Mr. Andrisani, I could’ve killed you.” He swiped his hand over his messy blond hair.

I clapped his shoulder. “What’s important is that you didn’t. My father would’ve taken your son’s life if he lost his. Capisce?”

He nodded. “I understand.”

Bosco hopped into the driver's seat and drove the truck around us. He parked on the side of the road.

Gian stepped beside me.

“Marty, my friend here will rough you up a bit. In three hours, you’ll report to your boss that your truck was stolen.”

He ran his meaty hand across his sweaty brow. “No, problem, Mr. Andrisani.”

I slapped his cheek twice. “Good.”

Gian was built like a football player, like Bosco and me. Giving this guy an ass beating would be a cakewalk. Gian’s bodyguards waited in the shadows. They’d stay with Marty while we handled business.

After slipping the Glock into my waistband, I climbed into the passenger seat of the truck across from Bosco. The tension between us was felt the second I sat down. I didn’t give a shit. I had nothing to say to the fucker if it didn’t have anything to do with our mission.

Twenty minutes later, Bosco and I drove past Gian. He and one of his men were sitting in a Tahoe on the side of the road outside the plant. He hacked their security system. Gian was our eyes on the premises. Bosco and I kept our baseball caps low as we approached the plant gates.

The guard stepped out of the booth wearing a gray starched security guard uniform. Someone took their job seriously.

“Hello,” Bosco said, as he stuck the paperwork out the window.

“Good evening.” the guard stated, before looking over the paperwork for what felt like forever.

“Go ahead.” He motioned his hand for us to continue on.

“Thanks,” Bosco mustered.

He drove toward the loading dock. I hopped out. Standing near the back of the truck, I raised my hand and directed him into the bay. Gian, Bosco, and I learned how to drive eighteen wheelers when we were fourteen and fifteen years old. In our line of work, this was an important skill.

“Hold,” I yelled.

Bosco stopped a hair away from the platform.

I hopped up on the dock, unlocked the hatch, and threw open the door.

Our connect Sheldon, was running the shift tonight. He’d have his team stock the truck like they would any other night. This load of high-tech devices would never make it to their destinations. We’d sale the in-demand devices to the highest bidders.

I climbed back into the truck with Bosco. We had to sit in each other’s presence in the confined space for two hours. This would be a long night.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Footsteps sounded behind us in the bed of the truck.

“Fill her up team,” Sheldon yelled.

Seconds later, it sounded like a herd of cattle entered the empty space.

“Are you playing basketball with us Sunday?” Bosco readjusted his baseball cap over his short dark hair.