His voice pulled me back from my thoughts. Parked near the front door of the school, he glanced over his shoulder. “See you soon.”

“See you inside, Smitty.” I smoothed my dark plaid uniform skirt under my bottom as I climbed out of the truck. The harsh wind swept through my coat. Was the gray sky a reflection of what was to come? A small smile crept across my face. Smitty would park the truck then patrol the school to ensure my safety like he did every day.

It didn’t matter that some of the richest kids in the country attended Prestige Academy. His responsibility was to keep this rich kid safe.

Smitty kept his distance throughout the day, giving me a sense of normalcy.

Pinching the burgundy pea coat closed, I nodded at fellow classmates as I entered the building.

My heartbeat thudded against my chest. The realization of the conversation I’d have in a few minutes crept along my skin like snails.

I glanced up and down the desolate halls before hanging my coat in my locker.

Rocco’s words played on repeat. Stop hiding who you are. If they walk out of your life, they were never real friends.

Head held high, I strolled into the cafeteria under the monstrous skylight. “Hey, girls.” I waved en route to the food bar.

They smiled, waved back, and tossed their perfect hair over their shoulders in unison. Maybe my click was a little vain. The girls sat at the long white table clad in their uniforms. We were a diverse bunch. I was mixed. Genevieve was black, Yareli was Russian, and Faith was Hispanic. I liked our small circle.

I peeked at the students who sat scattered around the lunchroom. Their eyes fell over me as they held in-depth discussions, possibly about the ordeal that occurred in the shadows of the parking lot last night.

If they weren’t chatting about that, then it was how Rocco and I were some secret pair. The fuckers needed to get a life. But that wasn’t what high school kids did. They pried in others' business.

I halted at the breakfast bar, overflowing with a variety of healthy and not so healthy food choices. I threw an orange, an apple danish, and a carton of apple juice on my tray. Scrambled eggs and pancakes wafted in the air. I couldn’t eat a massive meal this morning. Not before my important conversation.

“How did practice turn out after I left?” I placed my tray on the table, sitting across from the girls with my back to the wall.

Not a chance I’d sit with my back to the window or anyone unless my bodyguard was close. We lived a dangerous life. We didn’t have to. Or did we? Mom could’ve vanished again with me in tow. Granddad told her to leave dad. I laughed inside. Mom thought she could walk away from one of the most powerful men in the world with his child...fucking hilarious. Well, she tried.

Dad learned our whereabouts in two days. He assigned guards to watch over us in a small town in Georgia. Dad waited six months to make a move. Guess he worked his charm on mom, because he brought us back to Philly a few months later. She was Luciano’s obsession.

Not sure I’d want to be a man’s undoing. His destruction. His everything.

“Earth to Ryah. Did you hear what I said?” Genevieve poked her head in my line of sight.

I blinked twice. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Staring at Rocco again, I see.” Yareli shook her blonde tresses.

He snapped his fingers. “Tell them,” he mouthed.

Hmm, I wonder what his lips taste like.Probably like sin. I decided to find out.

Those perfect pink lips would devour mine before the year ended.

“She said a few of the guys ran to Drew’s aid after you left with Mr. Delicious.” A wide grin flashed across Faith’s tanned face.

“Hand in hand,” Yareli chuckled, before sliding a spoonful of oatmeal into her mouth.

“Did you fuck him?”

I cocked my head to the side. “Genevieve, I didn’t. He’s fucked most of the girls in this school. Except you three.” I bit into the danish.