Hope marveled at the high beam ceiling, then the custom cabinets we installed.

“Yeah. This place brings back so many memories. The walls, the fireplace, and the floors are all original. But the changes we made. Man, if my grandfather’s looking down right now, he’d be proud.”

Hope leaned up on her tippy toes and wiggled her nose along mine. “He’s proud of you. Not just about the cabin, but how hard you worked to make your dreams come true.”

Caressing her ass, I kissed her sweet lips. “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll run to your place and grab the decorations.”

“Great. They’re near the front door.”

Thirty minutes into decorating the tree, I offered Hope spiked eggnog. She danced and sung Christmas carols as we decorated the tree. I couldn’t stop laughing. This was what I had to look forward to in the future. Her animated joy of this holiday that pained me for years. I was happy I found this beautiful woman who brought out the best man I could be.

Hope shoved her cup toward me. “More eggnog, please.”

I planted my lips on her forehead. “Nope, can’t have you drunk the best part of the night’s almost here.”

Hope's brows lifted. “And what’s greater than this moment?”

I shook my head and placed the gold star in her hand. “Climb the ladder.”

Her jaw slacked. “Noah, I can’t do that. You, place the star on the tree.”

I smacked her ass. “Up.”

She sighed. “Ok.” Her messy bun flopped back as she stuffed the tip of the tall tree into the bottom of the star. I stood guard. Making sure she was secure on the ladder at the same time marveling at the beautiful tree and Hope.

“It’s perfect.” She clapped. “Light her up.”

I grabbed Hope off the ladder, then plugged in the lights.

Her hands flew over her mouth. “It’s beautiful. Look at all the large green and red ornaments.”

“I have to admit you’re the best at decorating. I like the red ribbons circling the tree.”

She nudged my arm. “Thanks.”

I could tell she was in her element. Hope could add tree decorator to her resume. She snapped a thousand pics.

Hope’s phone rang. Then high-pitched screaming pierced my ears.

She stared at her phone screen.

“Hope, Claire, chill,” a guy stated.

“Come here, Noah.”

I stepped behind her.

“Claire and Miles, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend Noah Canyon.”

“Hello,” Claire smiled.

“Hey man, my sister looks happy. Let’s keep it that way,” her brother tipped his chin.

“Miles,” Hope snapped.

“It’s ok, Hope. Miles, I’ll protect your sister with my life.”

His dark brown face lit up. “Thanks Noah.”