“Let’s eat. After dinnerwe’ll decorate the tree. My grandmother's tree topper is in the hall closet.”

“I can’t wait to see it at the top of the tree.”

Threading our fingers, I led her into the kitchen. “Shit, I almost forgot to call my mom.”

“Go ahead. I’ll prepare our plates.”

“Thanks, baby. Oh, I forgot to mention. My dad’s an alcoholic. He usually gets himself into trouble around the holidays. My mother needs to leave him. Hopefully, one day she will.”

“That’s her decision, Noah.”

“Yeah, trust me. I know.”

I hit the FaceTime button on my phone. Mom picked up after the third ring.

“Noah, how’s my baby boy?” her blue eyes sparkled.

“Mom, I’m not the baby. Forget it,” I laughed.

My mother was the sweetest woman until me or one of my brothers destroyed something around the house. Those were the days. She deserved to vacation year-round at her sons’ expense. Hated she was in the company of our asshole father.

Reclined on a lounger, she flicked her long black hair over her bare shoulder under the night sky.

“Where are you?”

“Your dad and I are in Cozumel.”

I ran my hand gruffly over my bearded face. “Mom, why would you take him to an island known for booze cruises?”

“Look at the beautiful sand.” She changed the subject and flipped the camera.

“It’s beautiful, mom.”

She flipped the view back.

Dad stuck his face in the frame. “Hey, son. How are you?” His short brown and gray hair was neatly trimmed.


“That’s all you have to say to your old man?”

“Be good to my mother. Don’t go to jail over there. If you do, we’ll leave you.”

“Your mother already warned me. Who’s that pretty woman behind you?”

My parents’ faces brightened.

I wrapped my arm around her waist. “This is my woman, Hope Manning. I’ve nicknamed her Ms. Christmas. It’s her favorite holiday.”

Mom’s brows rose. “Nice to meet you, sweetheart. Not sure what you did to my son. He hates Christmas.”

“I look forward to meeting you both in person. He told me why he dislikes my favorite holiday.”

Moms hand flew over her mouth. “He did?” A tear escaped her eye.