I laid my hand on his forehead. “What happened to the Grinch?”
“I still loathe this stupid holiday. But hating you is impossible.”
“Come on. Sip and walk.”
“You sound like a wine commercial.”
We laughed.
“I’ll turn in the skates.” We strolled by the carolers in route to the counter. I stood to the side and sang along to ‘Jingle Bells’ while I waited for him.
Noah strolled toward me. “Did you have a good time?”
Looping my arm around his, I sipped the steaming hot chocolate. “Yes.”
“I’ll have the seat warm for your bottom in a second.” He opened the truck door, and I sat on the ice-cold black leather seat.
Fidgeting, I rubbed my gloved hands together. Noah cranked the heat the moment he slid behind the steering wheel.
I scanned the ice rink and people stalking toward the Carolers.
“Noah, was the mistletoe a slap in the face to Ismael?” I threw my gloves on top of his on the middle console.
“No. Tonight was about me and you. If his feelings were crushed in the process.” Noah shrugged.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Hope, I do.”
I sipped my hot chocolate, then sat it in the cup holder.
“My ass is warming up.”
He tossed his hat into the backseat and slipped his fingers through his hair. “Can’t believe I wore that stupid hat.”
Noah turned in his seat, facing me. He gripped my chin and guided me closer.
“I can’t believe you actually skated with me.”
His tongue darted across my lips. “Like I said, I do things for you I’d never do for anyone else.”
Noah’s eyes studied my face before he sucked on my lower lip, drawing a moan from me.
“I’ve been dying to feast on these lips.”
I shoved my tongue into his mouth as I gripped the front of his coat. Our tongues danced and the melody ‘Christmas time is here’ played in my head.
I’d love to listen to that song while I laid in his arms later tonight.
My lips chased his, begging for more. I loved how his lips devoured mine.
“Fuck, Noah,” I purred.
“Unbutton your jeans. Pull your panties and jeans under your ass.”
My eyes widened as I stared deep into his sex filled eyes.
“No, people can see us.”