He stood, stretching his hand out. “Come on. Let’s skate.”

Whipping the gift out of the bag, I held it behind my back as I rose. “You will take this gift and wear it proud.”

I snatched his beanie off of his head and shoved the Grinch Santa hat over his hair. The angry dark yellow eyes on the hat peered back at me.

“Hope, what did you put on my head?”

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, leaned in beside him and snapped our picture.

His thick brows pinched in a scowl.

“I’m not wearing this hat.”

He reached for it.

“Don’t even think about it. This is a themed event. You planned to be the only person here not wearing anything festive.”

“I’m wearing the green sweater. That’s festive as I’ll ever get,” he sneered.

This man turned a dark shade of red. “You look like you’re about to explode.”

His eyes fell over the people grinning and pointing in his direction as they whisked past us on the floor.

Cranking my neck, I pressed my hand against his bearded face bringing his attention back to me. “If wearing the hat pisses you off remove it.”

We stared at each other a second longer.

“I’ll keep it on.” His facial features softened as if my touch calmed him.

“I’d never agree to something like this for anyone else.”

“Thank you, Noah. Be gentle with me out there. I haven’t skated in a while.”

He held my hand and slowly led me onto the floor. Gripping Noah’s arm, we glided under the dangling silver stars hanging from the golden arches. Mini pop-up shops surrounded the rink. An abundance of people gravitated to all things Christmas in this town.

“I love it here, Noah.”

“What does that mean? You love it for the season or year-round?”

“I wish Christmas wasn’t just in December. If it were throughout the year maybe people would be nicer to each other. The Christmas spirit is powerful.”

“But not everyone enjoys this holiday.”

“Yes, Mr. Scrooge, I know. But look around at all the smiling faces.”

“Do you think they’re chipper after the holiday?”

“Maybe they aren’t. I’ll enjoy this moment while I can.”

“It will be over soon.” A smile took his lips.

“Not cute, Noah.”

“What’s not cute are the over-the-top holiday decorations.”

“Oh, you think?”
