He leaned in and kissed my lips.

“You are.”

“Ugh,” kids shrilled and pointed at us.

Noah pulled back and waved. “Sorry kids.” He cracked a smile.

His heart was softening. Hard to believe he’d warmed up to this holiday. I didn’t expect him to hum a Christmas tune or anything. Stringing lights on our houses and trimming our trees was a big step for him. I was grateful.

A man wearing a Santa suit escorted us inside the tent.

“Thanks for the beautiful article about our town,” he stated.

Clapping erupted around us. I peeked at the cheerful faces.

Noah kissed my cheek. “Great job, baby.”

My face heated. “It was my pleasure to write about such a beautiful town. My mother would’ve loved it here.”

Tears burned the backs of my eyes.

“She would’ve, Hope.” He held me close.

So many people shook my hand and thanked me repeatedly before unloading our wagons’. Noah folded the wagons and placed one strap on each shoulder.

We stepped out the tent and froze.

“Wow, this is awesome,” I smiled.

Candy poured from the sky, pelting the ground. Kids screamed at the top of their lungs, running, arms stretched. They scooped as many treats as possible into their pockets. Parents pushed and shoved as they scurried after their children in a frenzy.

I peered up again. Two blimps huddled overhead, dumping candy.

I glanced to my left and gasped. Noah disappeared. He was probably looking for me. I’ll text Noah and tell him to meet me at my truck.

Someone grabbed my arm. “Scream and your boyfriend dies.”

My heart slammed against the pavement.

“Keep walking,” the man ordered.

I recognized his voice from the outfitter store.

“What did you do to Noah?”

I reached for the Glock resting in my waistband.

Noah said we should carry guns just to be safe.

“Nothing yet. I planted a bomb in his pocket as the chaos happened. If we don’t make it to your cabin undetected, I’ll blow him to smithereens,” he chuckled.

Tremors shot through my body as I dropped my hand from my waistline. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

I know it's Noah.

A fake plastic smile filled my face. I had to appear happy for Noah’s safety. Waves of heat struck my body with each grueling step I took.

My heartbeat thrashed in my ears as we approached my truck. I parked along the curb because we planned to drop off the cookies, then drive to the ski slopes. Noah was giving me snowboard lessons today.