“Is that anyway to talk to your competition?”
He swiped the wool cap off of his head and swept his fingers through his red mane.
“Again, what the fuck do you want?”
“I didn’t realize you were in my backyard.” He tapped the paper. “Until I saw this newspaper article, that’s picked up steam in the last couple of days.”
“Because I’m on the east coast that means you’ll badger me?”
Gruffly rubbing my face, I turned to him. “Barker, ever since my beer hit the market, you’ve made it a point to tell anyone who will listen my product is trash. If it really were, my beer wouldn’t be number one in the U.S.”
He pounded his fist on the bar. “I’m taking my title back.”
“Face it. I’m a better brewer than you. Let it go. Do me a favor and drive or fly back to Boston. I don’t want to see your face again on my vacation.”
Lewis Barker, my competition was a sore fucking loser. Barker was a buff guy. I guess you could say he was attractive. He was about six two. A couple of inches shorter than me. Barker had all the makings of a golden boy. His obsession with my beer company was getting old. I never expected to see him in Christmasville.
His dark brown eyes bore into mine. “You’re a sewer rat who’s trying to steal the brew legacy that’s been in my family for generations.”
“Stop your crying. All you rich, privileged people are the same. The second your out performed by another man you take it personal. It’s not personal. I don’t give a fuck about you,” I spewed in a low whisper.
“You have until December twentieth to tell the world you stole my recipe.” He stood. His bulky frame towered over me.
I rose, grabbing him by the front of his coat, peering into his cold eyes. “Or fucking what?”
“I’ll force your hand.”
My eyes narrowed, and I bared my teeth as I shoved him. “Get the fuck out, Barker.”
He snickered as he stormed out the door.
Sitting back in my seat, I met the shocked gazes of those around me.
“Merry Christmas.” That was all I had to offer.
I shoved my earbuds into my ears, then FaceTimed my brothers.
“Yo, Noah, how’s it going, bro?” Zach grinned.
“Thought you eloped with that pretty little woman you call Ms. Christmas,” Alex joked.
“When do we meet the Christmas Vixen?” He wiggled his dark brows.
“Watch it, Nolan.” I pointed at him.
“She’s moving to the compound in January.”
Zach rubbed his clean-shaven pointy chin. “You two just met though.”
“That’s inconsequential.” I waved my hand across the screen. “We have a bigger problem.”
They stared at me.
“Barker’s intown. And he’s stirring up trouble. Get in touch with the managers at all the plants. Tell them to keep an eye on production. If anything, out of the ordinary happens, they need to contact one of you personally.”
Alex saluted me. “Got it boss.”
“I’m serious,” I grimaced.