Bringing the cup of soda to my lips, I met his gaze. “Yes.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you. Even in my Christmas gear?”

His jaw tightened as he peeked at the Santa hat on my head.

What did he have against Christmas?

“If you insist on staying, the guest room is ready for you.”

He nodded. “After breakfast tomorrow we’ll cut pieces of trim for my kitchen.”

“Ok. Hey, have you checked on your company since Sunday?”

His eyes widened. “No.” Noah sipped his coke.

My cheeks heated. There was hope for him yet.

“Tomorrow afternoon I have that interview with Delila.”

“Oh, yeah, for your Christmas story.”

“I’d like to interview you too. You spent several Christmases here.”


He snatched up our empty plates and discarded them.

I followed him into the kitchen, carrying our empty cups. “You said you’d try.” I tossed the plastic cups into the trash can.

Noah palmed the edge of the sink. “I know what I said, Hope. Ask me something else. Talking about Christmas is off the table.”

My fingers twitched at my side. I stretched my hand out and caressed his back. He flinched.

“Noah, I’ll give you time. But I want that story.”

“First thing in the morning, I’ll check your furnace. It’s too cold in different parts of your house.”

He ignored my statement and walked past me.

“I’ll crank the kerosene heaters.”


I hated how guarded he was.

Hope, leave the man alone. Enjoy your time here.Ice skating should be fun tomorrow evening.

Later that night, my eyes popped open, and I took in the dark cabin walls before I threw my legs over the side of the bed. The orange glow behind the kerosene heater grate lit my path to the bathroom. The icy toilet met my thighs, and a chill struck through me. I pulled the curtains back and peeked out the small window. My hand flew over my mouth. He was back. His pointy gray ears perked up. I flushed, washed my hands, and left the light off. Creeping down the hall, I poked my head into the guest room. My lips fell open. Where was Noah? Was he that upset about the interview? Shit, I forgot to ask to borrow a rifle. I walked back to my room. How could I sleep knowing the wolf was right outside my window? I halted on the threshold.

Snug under the blanket, his hand rested on his forehead. How did I not notice him beside me? Was I that comfortable around him already? No. Why did he enjoy sleeping with me, anyway?

I gripped his arm and shook him. “Noah, wake up.”

Every part of my body heated knowing he was in my bed.

“Yes, I’m awake. Hope, what’s wrong?” Noah sat straight up, tugging at his wild hair.