Page 6 of The Naughty Elf

“Maybe I can get an honorary tool belt. I do prefer to be hands-on when I’m given a project.” I plant both palms on my hips where my skirt tapers tightly across my curves. The top is cinching the smallest part of my waist, and I know it looks really good.

A power outfit and a power pose that says, “fall to your knees at my feet”.

Ashley looks about ready to, and my confidence soars.

The heat pulsing low in my belly increases as he licks his bottom lip. Is he picturing the same thing I am? Him on his knees, pushing the fabric up my legs to expose me and burying his face between my thighs?

The thought lingers for a few seconds, long enough that I’m damp from arousal. My nipples pinch tight against the thick fabric of my bra, one I wore strictly to hide that sort of thing. But the pause only seems to tattle to Ashley about the reaction he is causing in me.

I shift my weight to one heel, which I know makes my ass look fabulous, and shoot a glance at the silent giant beside me.

He’s frowning at the show. I don’t blame him. I’m a bit much to swallow on thefirst go, but I go down easier the second time.

Another crew member approaches our small group. I’m surrounded by men. Not that I’m complaining. My natural flirtatiousness works well with the opposite sex. Not so much with other women.

I drop my stance and offer my hand to the newcomer. So far, I’ve met two Nicks, a Seth, a Jacob, a Kenny, a Daniel, and a Mike. This one’s name is Adam, and I give him my patent nice-to-meet-you smile.

None of the men flirt outright with me. At least, not with all three bosses hovering around me. I’m sure they’ll all open up to me as we become acquainted.

Besides, I’m the resident momma in every group I enter. I always bringing treats to stay on everyone’s best side. Because, let’s face it, my type-A personality can grate on people otherwise. It’s why I’ve worked so hard over the years to be personable.

Which usually comes off as flirty. I work with what I’ve got.

The reactions I gain from the construction crew are nothing compared to Jackson’s, Sawyer’s, and Ashley’s. It’s almost like they’ve cast some protective bubble around me. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they’re each staking their claim. That’s impossible, though.

Even with the lowkey sexual charge I’m feeling, none of them will make any real advances. Not that you’d hear me complaining if they did.

This is simply the first day. It’s the day when you don’t fuck with the new hire and scare her off. Especially since I’m the only woman I’ve seen around here. I’m sure the others are in the office somewhere.

Jackson offers me a tour inside before the real work begins. He’s right. I don’t want to be in the way. I shoot him an innocentlook before I take Sawyer’s arm. He stiffens but offers me more stability with his elbow.

It’s hard not to grope this man. His bicep is big and firm. I bet all of him is. When his dark brows furrow as he peers down at me, he’s almost too beautiful to look at. He has stormy eyes and a natural darkness about him.

“Show me what you’re working on. I want to know everything about this job and how it all works.” I send a wink to Ashley. Can’t leave him out, now can I?

That man takes the attention like it’s a prize. I’ll have to be careful with him, or I’ll get carried away far too quickly.

That might not be such a bad thing in different circumstances, but this kind of brazen flirtation is so entirely inappropriate that it’s quickly becoming my favorite sin.

When I hear Jackson answer his phone and I realize that it’s my father, I stumble a little, peering back at him with a bit of worry. Why is my dad calling him?

Jackson meets my gaze, but I find no answers there as Sawyer helps me straighten up and draws my attention back to him.

I let the questions in my mind fall away and smile. How hard would it be to get this giant, stoic man to blush, to offer me one of his own grins, even if its just a small one? I settle for the current glimmer of interest in his dark eyes.

None of the workers at the company have sent me a second glance, much less a first one. The seem to be too afraid of the great Bennett Thatcher, my father, who was raised in the business and in the school of hard knocks.

Maybe that’s why I can’t help myself with these three. They all look at me like a woman instead of simply Bennett’s daughter.

Ashley follows behind me, not close enough for me to feel his presence, but I do feel his gaze on my backside as I saunter intothe half-finished house. Tools and materials are stacked inside as neatly as possible, given the current stage of construction.

Hardwood floors are being installed in the living room. Tile has been put down in the kitchen. I lean that way, so Sawyer steers me into the space.

“The kitchen is my favorite room in any house. It’s the heart. You know?” I squeeze Sawyer’s bicep again.

“I agree.”

I feign shock at his curt answer, even though I can tell he doesn’t mean to come off brusque. “You spend a lot of your time in the kitchen? I bet your wife loves that.”