Page 10 of The Naughty Elf

“I’m coming. I’m coming. Although I’ll likely have to make dinner when I get home.” I save my notes and shut my computer down, gathering my things and following Brenda down the stairs.

The other ladies have gone home. There are samples, binders, and paperwork scattered over all of their desks. They seem to have fun with each other.

Overall, my first impression is good. I even like the people I’ll be working with.

I’m hoping Gracie ate with Mom, so I can shower and jump into some baking. I have a few Christmas-themed treat ideas I want to test out.

Brenda waits for me to get in my car and lock it, before she drives away. I take the easy way home. By the time I make it home, I’m ready to dig my hands into something that I can complete in a few hours.

It only takes Dad a few minutes to show up at my door with my daughter in tow.

Gracie hops into the kitchen with her backpack and a huge smile. “How was your day, Momma?”

“So good, pumpkin. How was yours?”

She drops her backpack at the kitchen table. “Awesome. We got to use the pastels again in art. Grandpa got an extra scoop of ice cream with dinner. And you got the job!”

“How did you know I got the job?” I finish, setting up the ingredients for sticky toffee pudding—a recipe that could be made new with a few small tweaks—and bend to sweep Gracie into my arms, even though she’s already way too big for this.

“Because you had a good day.”

I set her back on her feet. “Such a smart cookie. You want to help me make a new treat?”


“Of course.”

“Yes.” Gracie bounces again.

“Go wash up, and you can start measuring.” Once she runs off to the bathroom to clean up, I step forward and hug my dad. His big arms surround me with warmth. “Thanks for feeding her dinner. Which I assume came before the double scoop of ice cream.”

“Of course.” Dad’s chuckle gives him away, and he plants a kiss on the top of my head.

“Was she good?”

“She was. Got her homework done with your mom, drew you a picture, but I think that’s a surprise, so forget I mentioned it.” Dad releases me and settles by the counter to watch me pull measuring cups and spoons from my baking drawer. “How was your first day?”

I look up at him, smirking. “Good. Everyone was very welcoming and nice. I have so many ideas for the project they gave me. You know how I get.”

“I do.” The way my dad looks at me, I’ve never wondered once if he loves me. It’s so obvious. I’m lucky to have him.

“And what did you talk to Jackson about when you called?”

Dad straightens. “Just told him to take care of you.”

“And the threats?” I ask, knowing Dad never just tells someone something like that without a promise to follow through with real action if things don’t go to plan.

“No threats. Wasn’t any need for them.”

I laugh. “I’ll believe that when Bessie flies.”

Dad joins my laughter, and my baby pops up behind the counter next to me, ready to bake.

Gracie claps. “Okay, I’m ready!”

Dad leaves halfway through the process, and Gracie abandons me before the treats are in the oven, falling asleep on the couch. It’s been the perfect day.

When I finally get myself to bed, I find myself thinking about Jackson, Sawyer, and Ashley. Flirting with all the men at work was fun, but the three of them…I was worse today than I usually am.