Everything you need will be in the safe in his office at the club. Behind the bathroom mirror.
(212) 555-3667
Are you sure?
I’d bet my life on it.
(212) 555-3667
We’re on it.
Please be careful… All of you.
(212) 555-3667
Ipromise we will. Thank you for this… Stay safe.
I quickly delete the text thread and put my phone back in the side pocket of my bag. Sinking against the wall, I allow my pounding heart to calm. This is it… This is the beginning of the end.
The gates open, and the guard nods as we go up to the main door. With unsteady hands, I leave the safety of the car and head into the house.
It's awfully quiet in here.My mind is racing with uncertainty as I walk inside the massive foyer, leaving Vito to do who knows what. Usually, the main floor of the house is brimming with housekeepers, cooks, and whomever helps maintain the estate. On a normal day, one would find several of Junior’s men around the house and guards circling the compound, but since he’s been gone, their presence has also been less frequent. But something is off. I can feel it.
In need of access to my phone, I head upstairs to my sewing room. I left it behind so I wouldn’t be able to be tracked. I wonder if Luca texted me, explaining what happened. Maybe he got caught up doing something else. I’m greeted by a whimpering Nori. “Hey there, boy. Did you miss your momma?” I croon as I give his head a good scratching.
With Nori by my side, I walk into my fabric closet and reach into one of the bins.
Shifting the swatches aside, I reach for my phone, coming up empty-handed. Grabbing the bin off the shelf and lowering it to the floor, my hand begins to frantically feel around. Nori can sense my rising panic, nudging his nose at me.
A searing pain ricochets through my scalp as my head is yanked back and I am dragged by my hair out of the closet. Nori attempts to lunge at my attacker, but they are too quick and slam the door shut, effectively locking Nori inside the closet. My hands reach to free my hair from my attacker’s grip, digging my nails deep into their skin.
“You fucking cunt,” his voice growls, and I freeze.
No, no, no. It can't be.
“I should have known not to trust another Castrovinci,” he spits and releases me.
I scurry away from him and lean up against the couch, noticing his disheveled appearance along with the dried blood on his lip. “Junior! When did you get back?”
“How dare you… how fucking dare you make a fool out of me,” he roars as he begins pacing the room. I clutch my purse, protecting the contents inside when he comes to stand right in front of me. Venom seeping from every pore.
“I hope he was worth your life, you stupid, fucking whore. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? That lover boy, and you would actually get away with fucking behind my back. ME! Giovanni Santini Junior!”
“I, I don’t kno—” My words are cut off as his palm connects with my face. Blood begins to slip down my cheek from the wound.
“I knew there was something about him the night he conveniently showed up to assist during the gala shooting.” I shift ever so slightly. “To think I allowed that prick into my home. MY HOME and he disrespects me like that!” he spits.
Remaining quiet, I watch him carefully pace around the roomonce again. He’s a loose cannon, extremely unpredictable when he’s in a state like this.
Junior comes beside me and yanks my arm upward, forcing me to stand. My purse slips from my lap and onto the floor. He throws me forward, causing me to collide with my desk. I yelp in pain at the force but protectively keep my hands in front of me. Nori’s barks and scratches grow louder by the minute.
Junior is behind me again, forcing his weight onto my back. His hand is tangled in my hair as he yanks my head back. “This is all your fault. Little slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed. Just wait till he comes storming in here with his men and finds you fucking destroyed.” I feel the barrel of his gun against my head, and I close my eyes. Memories of Trent and I flash before my eyes. His smile, his laugh, his kind green eyes. I love you, Trent Manning. I love you with every fiber of my being. My heart only beats for you, always has, and forever will.