It was love at first sight for us both, and he rarely leaves my side. He’s such a sweet boy and takes well to most people, except Junior. It secretly fills me with pride every time I hear Nori’s low growl, the one he reserves for the man he deems as a threat.
I turn my attention back to the closet full of overpriced clothes, all courtesy of Junior. It was a failed attempt to win my affection, especially once I found out one of his assistants,aka mistresses, had hand-selected them for me.Fuck you very much.
He quickly learned I’d much rather sit in a room full of fabrics and a sewing machine than a closet adorned in designer threads when I converted a room of the house into a design studio. It’s a space now equipped with everything I need to stay holed up for hours on end. I may not have much freedom in my current situation, but I live for my weekly trips to the fabric stores, getting lost amongst the varying textures and patterns. Occasionally, Junior allows me to go see a show on Broadway. But those are now few and far between.
The sound of Nori’s low growl alerts me to Junior’s presence. It was his idea to have separate spaces. I, of course, was not the slightest bit disappointed with the suggestion.
“Joey will be going with you today. He has some business to attend to near the café,” he says from behind me.
“Whatever,” I say, swallowing my sigh, disappointed. I much prefer my new guard, Luca. Joey is insufferable, and Junior knows how much I despise him. He does things like this on purpose, ensuring I never have a moment of peace.
“And be home by five. I have business to tend to at Sinners, and you will accompany me.”
“That’s not happening. Take one of your girlfriends with you.” I scoff, and then turn my focus on my clothing rack. If there is one thing that sends Giovanni Santini Jr. over the edge, it’s being ignored or dismissed. There is no way in Hell I'm going to that place. It's practically a drug den with no rules or morals.
In an instant, I'm spun around and pushed against my closet wall.
“I'm so sick of your fucking disrespect,” he spits as his fingers firmly grip my jaw. My eyes shoot daggers at him, but I remain calm. Junior feeds off the reactions he receives, and I refuse to give him anything.
I snap my fingers, calling on Nori like he was trained to do. I spot him over Junior’s shoulder as he slinks into my closet, his growl intensifying with every step. Nori, now by my side, is waiting for my command. Junior knows it too. His hand slips away from my face, and he backs up a step, venom still dripping from his expression.
Peering down at Nori, he curls his lip in disgust. Nori remains diligent at my side, ready to attack with a simple command.
“Fucking cunt,” he seethes, then storms out of my room, slamming the door behind him. Only after I'm sure he’s gone do I release my breath, placing my hand on top of Nori’s head, informing him the threat is gone. But he doesn’t move, probably sensing my unease. Even if I’m more pissed than panicked, my heart races and my body trembles every time Junior puts his hands on me.
Nori diffuses most of the situations that arise at home, but Junior is a calculated piece of shit and has gotten much better at cornering me when Nori is preoccupied. Giving Junior the ability to exert his control over me, my life, and my body.
At first, I was worried Junior would have Nori killed or taken from me if I used him to protect me, but I quickly realized he valued my brother, his Capo’s, loyalty more than anything. And if the dog he gave me suddenly turned up missing…that wouldn’t bode well for him. I wish my brother’s loyalty impacted the way he treats me, but he made it very clear the second I open my mouth about anything that happens inside these walls, the lives of my loved ones would be at risk…including Lottie’s.
The minute her innocent name came out of his stupid mafioso mouth, I knew mine would remain closed.
Glancing at my reflection, I take note of the woman who stands before me with red impressions left on her skin. Her eyes no longer sparkle with excitement and joy. Her face no longer adorns a genuine smile.
She looks bitter.
She looks mad.
She looks like she’s about to burn it all down.
Lottie waves me down from across the coffee shop as soon as I walk through the doors. Her brunette hair swishes behind her with her enthusiastic movements. Subconsciously, my hand goes to my face to cover my marks, but I know they’ll go unnoticed; I have enough makeup on to ensure that. When I'm close enough, she lunges for me and pulls me close. Her hug settles my inner turmoil from earlier.
“I miss you so frickin’ much. How are you holding up? How’s your mom?” As she places a kiss on my cheek, I close my eyes, relishing the fact that my bestie is here with me. God, how I've missed her.
“We’re doing alright, thanks for asking,” I reply, blinking rapidly to hold back the tears threatening to fall. I harbored so much resentment toward my father, and now that he’s gone, I'd love nothing more than to feel one of his big hugs once again. To hear his voice and boisterous laugh. He was such a smart man, which is partly why I’m skeptical about his death, and also because I don't trust a word that comes out of Junior’s mouth.
I wish I could tell her everything, tell her how miserable I am… How much I need to escape. But I can't. I’d never want to say or do anything that could potentially bring harm to her. Instead, I plaster on a fake smile and try to enjoy the brief reprieve.
Settling into our booth, I appreciate that Lottie has already ordered our coffees. Looking at my best friend, I can't help but notice how she’s glowing in tandem with the amazing ring on her finger. Her aura is such a stark contrast to mine.
“You’re going to make a gorgeous bride, Tig,” I gush, using our childhood nicknames for each other. She’s the Tig to my Bitty. This is the first time I’ve seen her in person since she got engaged a few weeks ago, and I can’t stop imagining her and how beautiful she’ll be.
“Oh, stop it.” She blushes and waves me off.
“I'm serious. I cannot wait to watch you walk down that aisle.”
“Can you believe it’s actually happening?” A dreamy smile takes over her face.
“Of course I can believe it. You and Greyson make the perfect couple. You two were meant to be,” I say truthfully. She and Greyson were written in the stars.