For once, thoughts of Junior turn my sour mood into something positive. He leaves today for almost a month, and that knowledge relieves me in more ways than one. Not only will it give me a break from his presence and all the shit that comes with it, but I’ll also be able to sneak away to spend time with Trent. I’m playing a dangerous game that may blow up in our faces. I’m clinging to the fact that it will work out.It has too. I can’t lose him again, hell I can’t lose myself again.
I was so pissed when Junior had Luca bring me to Sinner’s yesterday, but learning he approved Luca and Micah to take me to Nori Beach was well worth it. Of course, he had his own set of rules, including I can only be gone for five days instead of the week I originally asked for. Other than that, his stipulations seemed reasonable. Although I was half listening to his conversation with my brother and bodyguard becausemy brain was a complete wreck, imagining Trent in the back room with a stripper.
The rational side of my brain knew he wouldn’t do anything, but the way he let her touch his arm and lead him to the back had me seeing red. It was the first time in a while I had almost said fuck it and completely lashed out, not caring about the consequences. But then reality calmed me, in the form of my brother subtly rubbing my arm, and I knew I couldn’t put anyone I loved in danger over my jealous ego.
When Luca took me to Trent, and all he wanted was a moment alone with me, I felt like such an asshole for assuming the worst. Our conversation from the hotel should have proven to me how invested he is in everything else. I’m just so fucked up from the walls I’ve had to build around myself the past few years; it’s hard to rationalize things sometimes.
The second his body touched mine, I lost all my senses; I could think of nothing else but needing the fresh reminder of what his lips felt like on mine.
No matter how many times I’ve tried recalling and reminiscing, nothing could have done yesterday justice. Just the thought of that kiss lights my body up and makes my thighs clench. It feels like forever since I’ve even felt a semblance of that connection.
The lust and need.
Luca rolls down the window, punching in the code to gain us access to the Santini estate, aka my living hell. I’m thankful and shocked when we pull in and find out Junior has already left for Italy.
How did I get so lucky to not have to see that asshole before he left for weeks?
Thethrill thrumming through me when I notice Trent’s car outside is far from what a woman married to the head of the New York Cosa Nostra should feel for another man.
Even more so, how the hum of his deep voice sends heat to my core when I hear him speaking to Rebecca about Vito in the great room.
His whispered words from the club run on repeat in my head as I take the steps to my room and a reckless idea forms in my mind. The freedom of knowing my husband is no longer stateside already has me feeling like the old Ashley again.
Fun. Carefree. Sexy. Alive.His.
We still have so much we need to discuss, but right now, my throbbing core couldn’t care less about the details in between.
I get Nori settled in his bed before hurrying through the door of my sewing room, and finding my hidden box. The one containing the only thing that has gotten me off in the last three years.
Long, thick, and green.The Sexy Joker.An ode to Trent, even if nothing compares to the real thing. Just the thought of him in that costume the first night we had sex has wetness pooling between my legs.
With my vibrator in my hand and a pillow tucked under my arm, I head into my bathroom. I know Trent will seek me out, and that’s exactly what I want. I leave the door unlocked, because if Luca comes to check on me, he won’t come into my bathroom without permission…But Trent will.
My phone rings loudly from where I sat it down on the bathroom counter. Glancing over at it, I see Junior’s name flash across the screen. For once, I don’t have to answer, because he isn’t here to come home and reprimand me. Again, I refuse to let the sound of his voice ruin the excitement rushing throughmy body. He has taken so much from me, and he’s been successful many times, but he can’t take this.
He can’t take away me getting off to the idea of the only man who has ever truly worshipped my body walking in on me at any minute.
Unfortunately, Vito is doing slightly better today. He was more alert and hasn’t run a fever in the last twenty-four hours. I’m not looking forward to him watching over our shoulder while Junior is out of town.
“She’s upstairs,” Luca says, and I’m already heading that way. “There are guys on the perimeter who know exactly how long you are here, so don’t overstay your welcome.”
“Thank you.” I nod to the corner. “Are you still good to take care of the footage?”
“All good.” He motions for me to go ahead, and I don’t hesitate, taking the steps two at a time, anticipation making my heart race. Luca confirmed there are no cameras in Ashley’s actual rooms, but the hallways leading to them have several. Thankfully, with Junior and Joey gone and Vito still down, Luca is the one in charge of the interior camera footage.
When I reach her sewing room, I gently push her door open, not wanting to scare her. The pink stained-glass lamp in the corner of her room is on, but Ashley and Nori are nowhere to be found. My eyes continue to scan the room, and I make a mental note that when she is out of this hellhole, I'll do everything in my power to make sure she's designing and creating for the whole world to see. She’sso talented and deserves to show that off, out of the confines of this room.
Just as I make a turn to exit back into the hallway in search of her bedroom, I hear a light buzzing sound. Stopping in my tracks, I listen harder and, sure enough, the vibrating sound continues.
At first, I think maybe it’s her phone somewhere in the distance, until I hear Ashley’s breathy moan.
Is she?
Another moan.
Fucking hell, she is.