Page 14 of Make You Mine

As I pick up the ice, Nori sniffs me, checking out what I’m doing to his mom.

“The swelling is already coming down, but you have a nasty bruise.”

“Yeah, it didn’t feel as bad when I put weight on it a few minutes ago,” she says, her tone one of reluctance. There are so many questions swirling in her gaze, but she’s settling on staying angry.

“Why are you walking around? You are supposed to be resting.” I give her a stern look, which she rolls her eyes at.

“I was bored, so I got up to get this.” She holds her sketchbook up to me. “And who do you think you are, coming in here and telling me what to do? I have enough men in my life doing that. I don’t need the one who abandoned me doing it too.”

Her words hit me like a stab to the chest, but I table that comment for the time being.

“This room suits you,” I say, looking around, taking in all the small details.

Ashley smiles briefly before bringing her attention back to me, her pinched expression returning. “Can you just check my ankle out?”

She thinks I abandoned her.

“Can you press your foot into my hand, like you are pressing the gas pedal?” She does as I ask.

“Good. Now resist me and pull your toes toward your nose.” She does easily. “Okay, move it from side to side as best you can.”

She tolerates all the movements well, and her strength isn’t indicative of a break in the bone.

My eyes trail up her exposed legs, and I imagine tracing my tongue over every inch. There’s little I wouldn’t do to taste her again, to hold her.Focus, Trent.Her blue orbs burn into mine, studying me as I speak.

“You have good strength, and the fact the swelling is going down, it’s likely you have a bad sprain. The only way to truly know is to have an X-ray. I’m sure Trevor could get you in somewhere locally.”

She shakes her head. “Can’t I just see how it looks tomorrow, after some rest and ice? I’ve hurt it before in high school, and after a few days, it was totally fine.”

“If that’s what you prefer,” I respond with a nod. When I look up again, I notice her eyes flitting to the small piece of burned skin you can barely see where my sleeve is pushed up slightly.

Her beautifully sad and confused eyes meet mine, and we stare at each other for seconds, maybe minutes. I want to drown in them, in her.

“Trent, what are you doing here?” she asks bluntly, breaking the spell.

“Are you happy?” I ask instead of answering, even though I know the answer. I could see it the minute I looked at her tonight. I’ve heard she’s okay and has everything she could ever want, but I call bullshit.

Complete fucking bullshit.

With a huff, she sits up more, putting her good foot on the ground, and I know if she wasn’t hurting right now, she would move as far away from me as possible.

“You don’t get to come in here after three years and ask me that, Trent,”she sneers, and I reach for her, but she smacks my hand away.

“Don’t touch me. Where have you been?” She pauses briefly, her voice breaking. “You have no idea how worried I was about you, and then to hear you moved to Europe without even telling me. Never reached out. You left me to wonderwhy you wouldn’t speak to me. I’ve driven myself crazy for years about it. And let's not even discuss the fact you’ve been back for two months, and now, the first time I see you, you’re working with your brother. Doing whatever fucked-up shit he’s involved in.”

“Ashley, please let me explain,” I rush to say, heart in my throat. I need her to listen to me.

“I don’t know if you can explain your way out of all this. It’s too much… It’s been too long.” Dejection is written all over her pretty face.

“Don’t say that. It could never be too long when it comes to us.”

Ashley turns her head, not looking at me anymore, and her words come out as a whisper. “What are you saying?”

Four taps on the door interrupt us. Fuck, this wasn’t long enough.

Blowing out a breath, I stand up, knowing the door will open any minute.

“Meet me at Luxure in SoHo on Friday. I know it's not The W like old times, but I think you’ll really like it. I promise I’ll explain everything.” We had so many great Friday nights at The W in Manhattan, but it also holds the memory of the time I had to walk away. I want somewhere fresh, somewhere that hasn’t witnessed the pain of our past.