Page 92 of My Karmic Destiny

“Come, Tessa. Comenow, all of you,” Evan orders.

And we do.

After a quick yet luxurious shower to wash off the evidence of our love and passion, we relax in the hot tub with a glass of champagne.

The sun sets and lights up the sky with purples and pinks, painting us in a beautiful glow as they touch me while we soak.

“I could get used to this. Being here,” I admit. “With you. Forever.”

“Itisyour karmic destiny to end up happily ever after,” Dante says with a smile.

“It’sourkarmic destiny.” I stare into my men’s eyes and say, “And I love that it’s with you.”




Our month-long honeymoon-like vacation is likely ending soon. We made the most of it and visited places around the world during our time off. We’ve been going on dates in Paris or popping right to the top of Mount Everest for the views. Whatever tickles our fancy.

As if my depressing thoughts of things coming to an end summon its arrival, Megan pops into our kitchen. Fortunately, it’s during our breakfast and not while we were enjoying each other only a half hour before.

“Hello, ya pervs,” she greets, crossing her arms and cocking her hip out. “Playtime is over.”

We collectively grumble and sigh, slumping back in our chairs and not feeling hungry anymore. None of us are excited about soon having to spend our days apart while we were working for Death or Karma.

“You’ve all been asked to report to the underworld in an hour.”

That gets my attention real quick. “All of us?”


Kurtis narrows his eyes at her. “Why?”

“None of my business.” Megan shrugs and grabs a muffin off the counter like we invited her to pilfer our food. “Dude, I’m just the messenger. But if I had to guess, things are about to be shaken up.”

Before we can ask her what the fuck that means, she pops away.

The four of us sit in silence and stare at each other for a solid minute.

“That can’t be good, can it?” Dante asks.

“Only one way to find out,” I say, reminding myself that Death has been a chill and caring boss. I doubt he would give us this time if he only meant to kill us off now.

We abandon our breakfast and hurry to the showers to get ready for the meeting.

With my Death magic, I’m able to transport my guys with me to the underworld. They all shiver after we materialize, shaking off the cold of Death’s power.

Speaking of Death, he’s in his cloaked garb, standing in the main receiving room where the agents come and go. A grand central station of sorts.

“Right on time.” Death waves us forward. He turns to lead us down the library corridor. “Follow me. We have much to discuss.”

Anxiousness rises within us, but we comply, almost running to keep up with his unnaturally long strides.

We enter the library and the guys glance around in awe. It’s huge. So big you can’t see the end of it. When I first started working here, I’d been tempted to walk down one of the rows, but I was afraid I’d be lost forever. That was before I had my transport magic, so perhaps I could risk it now.

Karma walks out from behind the stacks. “I trust you had a lovely vacation time?”