“Will you help her?” I ask.
The temperature of the already chilly cavern drops several degrees.
“Of course I’m going to help my own agent.”
“Sorry,” I hurry to say. “It’s just that Instant really messed with us. It’s hard to trust.”
He hums deeply, making my teeth vibrate. “Ah, yes, that’s probably why Tessa didn’t come to me with her concerns.”
From his black satin bed, I shout at Hypnos, “What the fuck happened?”
“Please, woman. No need for dramatics.” He waves me off. “At least she didn’t consume your soul.”
“She?” I bolt from the bed. Thankfully, I’m not naked. I’ve been dressed in a black and silky nightgown.
To match him.
Then a chilling thought crosses my mind.
“Are you claiming me? Is that why you’re helping Instant?”
“So youdoknow what’s going on?” He raises an eyebrow and looks down his nose at me as I charge up at him. The towering dream god doesn’t look worried in the least. Annoyed, maybe. Perhaps even a bit amused. Like I’m a feisty little kitten.
“Why? Why do this?” I’m shaking with anger. “Aren’t you powerful enough?”
“I am powerful. More powerful than you can imagine. But, my dear, I’m bored.”
“You’re bored? You fucked up my life, helped Instant steal my body and powers to cause who knows what kind of damage to the world because you’rebored?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds frivolous,” he says with a pout.
“It fucking is!”
Hypnos adjusts his black wings, and they flare a bit. He reaches out and captures my head between his hands. He leans down, meeting me face to face. It’s intimidating as fuck. Briefly, I worry he might try to kiss me. How can I fight off a god like him?
Instead, he whispers, “You’re not dead. You can live here with me forever.”
“You did this because you’re lonely?” I ask in complete disbelief. “Why?”
“I liked you well enough when we chatted. You amuse me. So I renegotiated to save your soul in exchange for my help in weakening your mind and body through stress.”
“That’s why you’ve been fucking with my love life… and the texts with the guys?”
“I wanted you all to have some fun before Instant sucks their souls dry. I thought you’d be grateful I’m able to play with you while Instant has your body. You might be stuck in limbo for hundreds of years before she accidentally drains your soul too much.”
“Grateful? To be your prisoner?”
Hypnos keeps his hold on me and steps closer, pushing me against the edge of his bed. “You’d rather be out there? In the physical world? When I can give you everything in the dreamscape?”
“I want to be with my guys. I don’t want them to die.”
“I can be them for you.”