The garage door to the house slams shut behind her, and I’m left in a daze.
What the fuck is happening?
She’s acting all wrong.
My bedroom door swings open without a knock. I’m floored when Tessa saunters in like she hasn’t ghosted us for days.
“Tessa!” I rush to cover up my crotch with a blanket. I’m not naked, but I’m only in my boxer briefs.
That’s odd. We’ve had sex. She’s seen all my bits. Why am I being modest now?
She eyes my bare chest. A sense of pride that she’s admiring my hard won muscles conflicts with a feeling I can’t quite place.
What is this discomfort? Am I feeling hurt? Why am I reacting to her abrupt return in a negative way?
Maybe I’m more upset about her disappearance than I want to admit. It felt personal since she bailed the day after I had sex with her. I’ve never tried that hard before to win someone over. Perhaps I did it all wrong. How would I know if I messed up?
Most of my experience with women was often nameless, chaotic, and meaningless. I never really cared all that much if they truly enjoyed what happened. At least, I would wait until theyclaimedthey had come, but half the time, they were probably lying.
With Tessa, I want to give her a thousand orgasms before I worry about my pleasure. But for her to vanish afterwards makes me think she didn’t enjoy herself as much as she acted. Or perhaps the sex was fine, and she just doesn’t like me enough.
Our strange exchange where she insisted in a text that “ifthere is a next time, she would have to pre-approve of the activities” made me question everything.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, scooting up to lean against my headboard and pulling the covers to hide my exposed chest.
“I live here, silly,” she says with a bit of irritation, noting my unusual modesty. “Why so shy now? You don’t want to fuck me anymore after you already tapped my ass?”
“Uh, no.” What the fuck? Does she really think that’s what the other night was about? “I thought you weren’t into me anymore. You’ve been gone since our date.”
“So sensitive,” she mocks.
I don’t like how she’s behaving. Tessa can be sassy, but it usually has a playful energy. This feels attacking, vindictive. Hateful.
“Did you need something?” My voice grows cold.
“I thought we could fool around.” She crawls up on the foot of my bed and continues toward me.
I glance at the wide-open door. Dante’s room is right across the hall, and I don’t want to piss him off if he walks out and sees us. Sure, he’s okay with us being together, but I don’t think seeing me messing around with Tessa after she ghosted us is a great look. He’ll be hurt that she didn’t contact him too.
Or did she? My skin itches as she moves closer. I should just let her do what she wants with me, but for some weird reason, I don’t feel comfortable with how this is unfolding.
“Uh.” I jump up and rush toward my only exit, tying the sheet around my waist. “I’m not in the mood right now.”
“Oh, did Evan already fuck the mood out of you?” Again her voice comes out harsher than I’ve ever heard. Angry.
“What’s up with you?” I stand in the open door, clutching my sheet like a security blanket. “You’re acting weird.”
“Oh, so now you’re slut shaming me because I need your cock?” Her eyes glow with frustration.
I snatch my sweatpants and t-shirt from the chair beside me and slip them on as Tessa reclines on my bed, trying to pose seductively.
Sure, she’s gorgeous, but I’m not attracted to her right now. I wonder if I have a problem with a woman coming on too strong.