Page 65 of My Karmic Destiny

Well, duh. I didn’t need a synopsis of what I know. “So what’s stopping heartache from happening again?”

“Nothing,” she states simply.

Well, this conversation didn’t help to ease my fears.

“There are no guarantees,” she elaborates. “Yes, the relationships you’re building could fall apart, but you already know this. What’sreallybothering you?” she asks, and it sounds like she already knows the answer.

“I’m worried that Instant is behind it all.”

“Because you don’t believe three handsome, loving men want to be with you?”

Dang… she’s hitting my trauma on the head hard tonight.

“Yes. Because I don’t know for sure. Can’t you tell me?” I’m ready to fall to my knees and beg if she can either dismiss my fears or confirm I’m heading for disaster.

Karma stares at me a beat longer. “I have no knowledge that they were coerced or asked to pursue a romantic relationship with you.”

Relief washes over me.

“That doesn’t mean you’re going to have a simple time with this polycule you’re creating. I sense you’re going to have some rough patches.” Her brow rises, almost in challenge. Does she disapprove? I don’t think so, and it wouldn’t matter to me if she did. No, more likely she sees how difficult this road is ahead… even if Instant has nothing to do with their interest.

“Can’t you just check your Akashic records and see?” My hand swishes the air as if I can snatch the tell-all source and snoop myself.

“Unfortunately, when a human is taken out of the timeline and bonded to a god, then all that goes out the window,” she explains with dismay in her tone. Likely she’s thinking about how Instant abused her powers. “You’re truly free from predestined paths.”

My eyes widen at this revelation. “Wait, and most people’s fates are predetermined?”

“Some people have more options than others,” she says almost dismissively. “And there are always the few breakouts who defy all rules.”

“Then do you have any advice for me?”

“Follow your instincts and your heart. Be kind, but that doesn’t mean you have to placate others and compromise your integrity or goals.” She pauses, then asks, “You love them? Care for them more than just friends, yes?”

“I do, and it’s scaring the hell out of me. I’m not usually scared of stuff.”

“Your heart wasn’t on the line before. Now, it’s also your soul.”

“My soul?”

“You exchange soul energy with people you truly love. Consciously or not. It changes you.”

I’ve been avoiding the guys and staying in my room in the underworld for a few nights. I’ve been working all day and sleeping by myself. I’ve texted a few times to let the guys know I’m okay. Which is a lie. I’m not sleeping soundly. I stay up too late, tossing and turning. I contemplate all Karma said to me and about our relationships, wondering what I should do with my love life.

I know I have to talk to them. I’m hoping space will give me some perspective.

I shouldn’t let my insecurities ruin something good, but it could also turn out so badly.

Kurtis might be a problem on his own with his self-doubt. He was so touchy about me wanting to surprise him.

Then Evan has trust and bonding issues.

And Dante? Who knows what’s up with him? But he sounds angry that I’m with the other guys too even if he encouraged it before.

I go to work as per usual and have a standard reaping day, guiding five souls to the afterlife. They go without a problem, but I’m still exhausted and looking forward to a nap, at the very least when I’m done. When I focus on returning to the underworld and back into my physical body, I sense something odd.

Then I appear in the strange cave-like bedroom with the god-guy with black wings.

“Hello, little reaper,” he purrs.