Page 45 of My Karmic Destiny

“Penny for your thoughts?” Evan skims my temple with his lips. It’s not quite a kiss.

Holy hell. He’s had his fingers in my pussy before we’ve even properly kissed?

Oh, well, we threw convention out the window a long time ago.

“I was wondering what your body looks like naked, and how you’ve brought me to an orgasm before you’ve even kissed me.”

Evan cups my face, his dark eyes watching my lips. “I want to kiss you now, but I don’t think I want our first kiss to be in front of a guy twirling a yo-yo with his dick.”

I burst out in laughter, because yep, I turn to see that unusual and mesmerizing sight.

“Then maybe we should go find somewhere else to make memories,” I suggest.




Goddess, I don’t think I’ve ever cared to make a woman laugh before, but the sound of Tessa’s joy grabs me by the balls. I usually only cared to make a woman moan and cry—mostly in pleasure. Now, I want more. Everything.

Tessa has had a fucked-up life. For her to still laugh is a testament to her character. Her strength.

All I’ve wanted is to claim her mouth, with my lips.And my cock.

“We should go find somewhere else to make memories,” she suggests in a sultry voice that has me utterly consumed with need.

When she suggests getting out of here, it takes everything in me to remain calm and not drag her out in a caveman frenzy so I can taste her luscious lips. Both sets.

I’ve never met anyone who could rile me the way she does. I tried for so long to suppress my attraction to her, but it appears I don’t need to do that anymore.

I throw some cash on the table to pay for our drinks.

Tessa grasps my hand and pulls me to standing. I love that she’s as eager as I am to get out of here. “Do you trust me?” she asks.

Do I?

Yeah, I think I trust her more than anyone I’ve ever met. Sure, there was that whole thing where she was spying on us, but she was rightfully scared for her life when she did it. The actual issue was that she couldn’t allow herself to trust us. She shouldn’t have, but I’m glad she eventually did.

And because she did, she saved me from Instant’s clutches and Death’s hold. She didn’t have to. She could have let Instant eat my soul and saved herself.

“I trust you.” I squeeze her hand.

She blesses me with a wide, almost wicked grin. Then everything goes dark.

I’m about to gasp for air when I blink again, finding myself outside at a vista point with twinkling city lights sprawling out before us.

“What the…?” I spin, seeing we’re in the middle of a dense forest. “Where are we?” I clutch my chest when it feels like an icy dread hit it.

“One of my old haunts.” Tessa places her hand over my chest, and my heart stutters with her touch. “I should have warned you about Death’s power feeling a bit cold.”


Then she smirks. “But you sort of deserve a shake up.”

“This is revenge?” I shake my head and fortunately, my body warms again. “Plan to end me out here?”

“Oh, I don’t need to take you anywhere toendyou.” Then she laughs wickedly. Full cackle mode.