Once again, I’m reminded I no longer have to live like everyone’s an opponent. Perhaps, I can allow the gentler side to show now.
“I understand. You’ve had to fight for everything—for your survival. But you don’t have to fight with me. My aura might not radiate warmth, but I want what is best for my employees and their mental health. This can be a demanding job. I don’t wish to make it harder on you.”
I allow a smile to grace my lips. His aura doesn’t exactly broadcast ‘chill boss’, instead you pick up on the fear that most people have about what he represents—the end.
“Thank you for saying that. After everything that happened with Instant, I’m wary of gods.”
“You have a right to be wary. Gods are not to be trifled with. Some might be mostly benevolent, but ultimately, we are not human. Even the best of us forget to be thoughtful. The majority are narcissistic parasites with no regard for your lives or the condition of your souls.”
“Yet you’re there when we meet our end. You pay attention to the souls you reap, don’t you?”
“I do.” I can almost hear his smile beyond his shadows. “I’m happy you understand me so well already. It will make your time working with me more enjoyable.”
I place a hand on the top of the reading stack and wonder how I fit into his group of reapers. “Am I odd for having the ability to harvest souls without your power to aid me?”
“No one on my current staff has your unique ability. It’s been a century since the last person who had a similar gift decided to move on from their position and passed through to the veil.”
“How do you pick a person to be a reaper from all the humans on Earth?” I ask, curious how his hiring process differs from Instant Karma’s style of entrapment.
“I sense when a potential candidate is available. When they die, I watch for awareness. If it is there, then before I take them to the afterworld, I give these souls the option to work with me. You will find that many souls are confused. It’s rare for them to be fully conscious of what is happening.”
“So, they’re dead?” I dare to interrupt.
“Technically, yes.” He continues his explanation. “Some people decide to work with me, and others choose to see what awaits them beyond the veil.”
“None of these books were clear about what’s beyond. Can you tell me?” I know it’s a long shot, but I have to see if he’ll confide in me.
“I believe you had a peek when you accidentally delivered those souls. What did you see?” Clever, turning the answer back to me.
“It looked… peaceful.” I run my finger over the cover of a leather-bound book. “But is it what it seems? And do we come back in another life as Karma suggests?”
“I cannot answer your questions to your satisfaction. However, I will say that the afterlife is what we make it, just like your life is what you make it on Earth.”
“I know the gods can screw with our lives. So how much is what I make it and how much is tampered with?”
Death lets out a booming laugh.Unnerving.
“Wise, little one. Remember, you also choose how you react to the tampering. Humans have so many ways they can handle an incident. They may experience a failure and become stronger, learning from it. They could change how they deal with that sort of situation in the future. Or they may avoid certain things because of it. They may shrink and believe they are always failures. They may believe the world is out to get them. Or they may not even react to it at all.”
“Okay. I get it. But what about when Instant was out to corrupt me so she could use me to kill people under the guise of karmic justice?”
“That was a travesty. And blasphemous to me. Unfortunately, with the billions of human souls on the planet and so many gods or entities, the benevolent gods can’t monitor all interactions and prevent abuses. Instant Karma distorted and corrupted her power to a horrifying degree.” His voice becomes louder as he speaks, and his already huge body seems to grow even larger. “That is why I tore her energy apart.”
We stand in an unsettling silence, giving him time to calm down. He’s been triggered by this chat.
Finally, when I sense he’s calmer, I ask, “How likely is it that she might reappear one day?”
“Depends on too many factors. All we can do is stay vigilant.” His voice has settled back into his normal cadence. “And that will have to land mostly on Original Karma’s shoulders. It is her domain. Unless she tries to reap souls again, then it is mine.Ours. And if you believe she has reconstituted, alert Karma or me right away.”
I nod my understanding.
“Very well.” He straightens his cloak’s bell sleeves and reaches out for my shoulder. “Tomorrow is your first reap. Rest well tonight.”
And with a tap on my shoulder, I’m back in my room at Karma’s mansion.
I flop back onto my bed, not ready to face Dante or anyone else in the house.
Within moments, I’m asleep.