Tessa has been acting strange ever since she started working for Death. I’m trying my best to be chill about the whole thing, but with Evan and Kurtis admitting they want a shot at dating her, I’m on edge.
Could I lose her? Has something changed between us?
Has she had her fill of me and wants to move on?
In my life before Instant Karma, I was a playboy, a fuckboy. Moving on before I could catch feelings. If I’m honest, I was afraid of getting hurt. Tessa came along and changed all that. Before her, I’d had one semi-serious relationship that ended badly. I didn’t want my second chance at love to do the same.
I’m looking forward to working with Karma and healing my soul. Perhaps that’s what’s wrong. Tessa can probably see how broken I am, and she’s waiting and hoping for me to live up to my potential.
I can’t disappoint her.
Evan, Kurtis, and I have ignored their confessions from the other day, and we’re playing video games.
A loud gong rings throughout the Karma mansion. We drop our controllers and race to the hallway, feeling Karma calling us out to the backyard.
The other inhabitants join us outside. The sprawling estate has a beautiful fountain, gazebo, and acres to run laps in the seaside forest.
This place is one in a million, and I take a moment to appreciate its beauty and listen to the crashing waves down below the cliffs to my left.
When the solo agents, Chara, William, and the second team, Heather, Trent, and Steven, all appear, Karma greets us. “Welcome, everyone!”
She smiles widely and opens her arms, waving us closer, leading us to the gazebo. Fluffy meditation pillows have been placed in a circle inside. “Sit! Get comfortable.”
We do as Karma requested, naturally grouping together by our teams.
“Good. You’re all nervous.” She grins.
“Good?” Kurtis blurts.
Karma walks over to him and gives him a wink. Gently, like he’s a small child, she takes his chin in her hand, leans down, and whispers to him, “It’s okay. I won’t let you fail. You only have to do your best.”
His cheeks turn pink, and he nods solemnly. “Thank you.”
This tamer side of Kurtis is a bit disarming, but I suppose he knows what’s on the line. Our souls. Our lives. We could all die and reincarnate back into the world with all our bad karma and trauma. It would be a guaranteed start to a painful and rough life. We’d have to hope that we’d be able to grow and heal in the next go-around.
“How has everyone been feeling the last week?” Karma asks.
Several of us list our emotions: confusion, feeling lost, untethered, scared about our futures, and the like.
Some are more vocal than others. I stay quiet. We all nod in solidarity when another person in the group voices what we’ve been going through.
“Those emotions and concerns are all to be expected.” Karma’s soothing energy falls over us. “I know some of you are familiar with meditation. We’re going to use a guided one today. Everyone, please close your eyes.”
We all settle and reposition ourselves into a comfortable meditation pose and close our eyes. I sense the unease rise again within myself and the others.
My mind flashes through a series of questions:
Should I trust another god?
Do I want to delve into my pain?
Will I ever heal?
Karma has us focus on our breathing and releasing intrusive thoughts. Then she says, “I want you to go back to the moment in your personal histories where youthinkInstant Karma first interfered with your path.”