I gather the energy and become one with it. Then I reach out and grab hold of Instant.
I’ve weakened her enough that with my enhanced power, I can gather her up in my grasp. I fold her energy onto itself, compressing her into a ball of fractured light, containing her the best I can.
“Now!” I shout to Hypnos when her essence is the size of a basketball.
I’m transported to the dreamscape, into Hypnos’s cavern.
His hands are open, ready to receive her.
I place Instant in his hands and leave mine on top to keep her trapped.
I fear this won’t work, so I ask again, “Are you sure that you can create a believable world for her?”
“Yes. And the instant karma energy she uses to power herself will be enough to maintain the simulation.”
The simulation where we will imprison Instant with her ultimate fantasy—conquering the world.
Hypnos promised me he’d keep an eye on her and give her just enough challenge and realism that she never questions whether this dreamscape is real. Perhaps one day, she’ll conquer this simulated universe.
A glass-like globe encircles her energy, trapping her inside. Slowly, it shrinks until it’s the size of a golf ball.
“I have her.” Hypnos turns his attention to me. “See if you can regain your body. Find your loves.”
“Thank you.” I’m overcome with relief, and I give him a hug that makes his eyes widen with surprise. I’m shocking myself as well. “I hope you find your love soon.”
“Thank you for giving me hope, little reaper.” He grins wickedly. “Or should I sayLittle Goddess?”
Before I can ask what he means, he touches my forehead.
Then I’m opening my eyes in my own body. I can’t move. I’m collapsed on the wet sand, the water splashing over my feet. With each wave, I realize the tide’s coming in, and I’m stuck. The jagged cliff leading up to Karma’s mansion is behind my head. I try to pop away and to safety, but I can’t seem to summon my magic.
I’m utterly drained.
Fuck. I’m about to drown after all that?
I reach out to Death. Wouldn’t he be able to hear me?
But he doesn’t appear.
Tears fall from my eyes, mixing with the salty ocean.
I focus on drawing energy into my body, and finally, I can wiggle my fingers, then my arms. I pull myself up a bit, but I’m not recovering fast enough. At this rate, the water will overtake me, smashing me against the rocks.
I call out to my guys, my voice coming out weak and raspy. Then, in the slim chance they might feel me, I reach out psychically.
“Dante, I love you so fucking much. You healed me enough that I could let my walls down and let in your love. Thank you for giving me that gift. Evan, thank you for lowering your walls so that our souls could touch, and I could experience the wonder that you are. I wish we had more time. Kurtis, thank you for making me laugh and find joy in life again. Just one night with you helped mend my inner child.”
Waves splash over my chest as I brace against the base of the rock cliff. Saltwater gets into my nostrils and mouth. I sputter, trying to find the power within me to transport out. I clamp my eyelids shut as the salt burns my eyes.
“Tessa!” I hear three voices ring out.
Is it real? Am I wishing so desperately to have them here that I imagine I’m hearing them? Or perhaps they’re calling out through my mind, trying to find me.
I’m lifted by the ocean’s power. Floating, floating. Surrounded by the cold pressure of the pounding surf.
Strong arms wrap around me.
Then I feel a hard, flat surface underneath me. Hands pat up and down my body. A large pair holds my face, tapping my cheek.