Page 37 of My Karmic Destiny

I slide into the driver’s seat and start up the car. I’d preset the car audio system from my device’s playlist, made up entirely of songs that I remembered she likes. Yes, I’ve been paying attention for the last couple of months.

She smiles appreciatively and bounces her head with the beat of a classic rock song.

“How have you been getting on at the new job?” I ask.

“It’s not that bad. I suppose I’m sort of built for that kind of work, being in my DNA and all.”

I sense she feels apprehensive about confessing that. I want to understand it. Does she think I’d have a problem with her being a reaper?

“So it doesn’t upset you—seeing people’s last moments in life?” I wonder out loud. It feels like such a big deal to me.

“Actually? It was harder working for Instant and doling out retribution and sometimes being downright cruel.” She picks at her dress hem. “I’ve been riding along with Megan and haven’t gone on a solo one yet. Death isn’t all that scary to me. Life is more frightening most of the time.”

I hum, considering her words. “You have a point. We are all headed toward death, but we aren’t always embracing life while we can.”

She looks at me with appreciation, and I feel like I’ve won the lotto.

“There are a lot of reasons for holding back,” she agrees. “None of them are easy to get over.”

“That’s why I pushed forus. For this.” I grasp her hand that’s settled on her thigh and squeeze her fingers lightly. “I didn’t want to come to my last day on Earth and realize I never really lived.”

Tessa glances at my hand on hers and then at my face. “I get that, maybe better than most. Dante gets it too, and I think that’s why he’s trying his best to be okay with me dating you and Kurtis.”

I try not to bristle at hearing their names. I led us down this path of discussion, after all.

“Yes, I suppose we all know how quickly we can lose everything.” My heart aches thinking about how I almost lost my chance to have this moment so many times.

There’s a lull in our conversation, where we both take time to acknowledge the close calls with death we’ve had in our lives.

Finally, she breaks the silence. “How are things going with Karma?” she asks, sensing the need to change subjects.

“Good.” I shrug. “I feel better. More balanced. I’m still uneasy about having my private session.”

“I can understand that.” She stares out her window and watches the city lights whiz by. “I’m going to ask her for a session once you have all had yours.”

I’m momentarily shocked that she would put herself through therapy on purpose, then I remember not everyone is as adverse as I am. “Do you really feel you need it?”

Tessa turns back to me with a wry grin on her face. “I’m far from perfect, even if I love hearing you say it. I’d like to know what my blind spots are in healing.”

“I know I need to delve into my shit too, not just because I want to be a better man for you, but because I need to be for me.”

Her head tilts back to lean against the headrest and she sighs. “But whyme?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I’m not sure why all three of you are fighting over me when there are plenty of other options in the world.”

I shake my head slowly. “No. I don’t think so. You’re unique.”

“I’m not the ‘special’ girl.” She blushes and laughs it off.

With my keen senses, I know she wants to feel special—finally loved. I can do that for her.

“Okay, less about me, more about you.” She bounces in her seat, shaking off her melancholy. “We know each other already, but we could dive deeper. Should we run down the dating basics? Favorite things? Biggest fear? Longest relationship? Bucket list? Most embarrassing moment? Body count? You know, well, maybe murders, too.” She says the last bit with a smirk.

My mind whirls with all the questions. “To be honest, I never really went on a lot of normal dates.”

“What kind of dates did you go on?” She quirks her eyebrow and gives me a once over. I can see the question in her mind.