Page 33 of My Karmic Destiny

“I think you were falling for them, too. Since the beginning,” Dante points out. “It makes sense. We were a unit. A team. We went through hell together.”

Evan clears his throat. “I don’t want to cause either of you more stress, but my heart calls to be with Tessa. I’ve never felt something so strongly in my entire life.”

“Me either,” Kurtis chimes in. “But I’ll back off if that’s what you want, Tessa.”

I stare into Dante’s sky-blue eyes, readying myself to turn down the other two, even if my heart feels a pull to them. I don’t need to be greedy… if that’s what this truly is.

“I love you, Tessa,” Dante says, staring up at me through his thick lashes. “My gut tells me I have to learn to live with you being with them, too. And my instincts are rarely wrong. As much as I want you for myself. I don’t think that’s what the cosmic forces want.” He turns his attention to Evan and Kurtis. “If I’m going to share your love with anyone, it should be with my brothers. Because I love them too.”

I hear Kurtis suck in a breath.

“Not in a sexual way, buddy,” Dante smirks.

“Um, well…” I suddenly feel awkward and overwhelmed. “I’m going to bed now. Alone. To figure out my own emotions.”

They all mumble their agreement, and I float out of the room in a daze, falling onto my bed covers fully clothed.

Sleep doesn’t find me for hours as I analyze my feelings and reactions to this recent development. If I’m honest, I’m not opposed to dating all of them at the same time. But only if they can handle it and overcome jealousy and get along. Sure, I know even two people have arguments and disagreements, but we will have to be a better version of ourselves to make this work.

I wake up throughout the night, wishing Dante was snuggled up with me.

Finally, after a night of tossing and turning, I crawl out of bed.

I thought I might have another dream about the dark-winged god, but he left me alone. Perhaps because it seems I might give in to my desires and start to date Evan and Kurtis.

Will Dante really be fine with that?

As I get ready for the day in the quiet house, I make a plan that will mitigate a lot of the biggest hurdles.

I’m rinsing out my coffee cup when Evan strolls into the kitchen. I feel my shoulders tense and remind myself it will work out somehow.

“Hey,” Evan greets me in his warm, deep voice, thickened by just waking up. His normally perfect hair is mussed up. It’s appealing to see him undone. I wonder how he might fall apart if we have sex.

“Hey.” I turn and face him as he stands right in front of me, almost pinning my hips to the counter.

Evan’s gaze travels over my face and flickers over my body. “You okay?”

His body’s warmth feels like a furnace. My cheeks burn with his proximity.

My clit pounds as it gets the signal that I’m interested. I suppose allowing the idea that we might hook up to take root is already getting me going.

“Not sure what’s freaking me out more,” I admit. “That we might have a stalker god, or what Dante said last night.”

“We’ll deal with a god if we have to.” His hand cups my shoulder, and he stares into my eyes. “And it doesn’t matter what Dante says. What doyouwant?”

“I…” I pause and consider lying and running from this complicated proposition. “I was always attracted to you. All three of you. But other than some wild fantasies, I never expected to commit to three guys at the same time.”

“Then maybe we should consider it dating until you feel comfortable committing to more.”

I smile. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

“How about we go out tonight? Just you and me. We can see how things go. See if I can make you feel like the beautiful goddess you are.” Evan plays with a long lock of my hair and waits patiently for my answer.

“Sounds good,” I say with a breathy voice. Damn if this man can’t fire up my engines. “I expect to be home around six tonight.”

His eyes light up with hope, and I realize it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him excited. Happy even? It causes my stomach to flutter with butterflies.

“I can’t wait.” He leans over to give me a chaste kiss on the cheek that lingers long enough for my thoughts to become anything but chaste.